Woooow what a load of spoiled brat entitlement babble. The entire premise of this smelly caca is ME! ME!! What we need is to be a people who, instead of "I, me, my" in this, are happy to put "you, your" in exchange. It's the only way any relationship can move past sexual infatuation. Lifelong romance based on this dishwater philosophy?? HA!! The only way you keep romance between two people for sixty years is by both of them being steadfastly selfless, to forgive even great offenses (because we are human and will screw up) without clinging to your self-worth. When you marry, you cannot exist anymore. The other person is the only one you can be concerned about. And this must come from both persons. When you have kids, neither of you exist. This is why men give up their dreams and work themselves into an early grave, and why mothers stay home and raise their children in security instead of following a career. Man alive do I feel sorry for the person who posted this.
But the fact is that many of you, especially the females, can only hear in your minds the communist darkness that you've been fed your entire lives: "NOBODY IS GOING TO HOLD ME BACK!! I AM A GODDESS!!" No you aren't. And this is why you're never happy. Enjoy your delusion. Or, more preferably, wake the frick up and realize that you're mortal and falliable, before you go through three marriages in twelve years.
Wow nice slam-dunk argument omglmnop! I bow to your anti-intellect bumpersticker philosophy on life. So in spite of all reasoning, intelligence, life experience, and fluidity of thought, unintelligent belligierence and selfishness continue to reign in the minds of our society because it feels so good to care about no one but yourself! Enjoy using your life like a drug. What do you need to help someone along for? Everyone had better make you happy or you'll throw them to the road bwhat could possibly be the moral consequences of that? I can't wait to be seared alive by your astounding reasoning powers. You have skill with thought and expression like unto Limp Bizkit.
Hahaha. Did I just get compared to Limp Bizkit for liking independent women? Well guest, your sentence structure and logic flows as well as Iggy Azalea's rapping.
You did indeed. It was accurate. And you have no idea what you're talking about. I do. As I said, enjoy your miserable bumpersticker life. You're far too unread and inexperienced to talk to. I wish you knew what you were missing. Independent women will wreck you, man. I'm sorry it'll be twenty years before you know it. Chiao!
Women can go to war, they can be cops, they can fight MMA, legally equal in all ways, and claim to be as strong or stronger than men. But women still scream and cry about being hit by men and play the weak little girl card whenever it suits them. Think they're Viking warriors until it comes to real confrontation, then it's Hey don't hit me, I'm a girl! Modern women live in a complete fantasy. A woman hits first, she's getting thrashed on grounds of self-defense. Welcome to your brave new world of gender equality, my hypocrite feminists. I hope you enjoy the bed you've made for yourselves.
I think serosan, regardless of whether they are correct or not, is a mindless idiot due to how they deal with opposing opinions. How about you respond intellectually you mindless piece of shit.
Again, you're delusional and you don't possess the ability to respond intelligently, even if you tried, serosan. Go drink some rat poison, you would increase the world's average IQ if you died.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Look. The reason I don't respond intelligently IS BECAUSE I DONT HAVE TO.
I...ns you're my favorite commenter this month. Even if you hate me, thank you so much for being the only person in however many nations reading this who has a spine.
Serosan, you communicate like you're playing Pokemon card games. It's disturbing that staments anounting to nothing but what you feel is a bullseye, for you, replaces real intellect. You should go study in Russia for about fifteen years. It will sober your narcissism for life.
Omgimnop, did you see sero say ANYTHING intelligent that entire time? When you're debating your opinion, you need to provide facts in an intelligent manner, not just say, "I don't care loleoleol," like a mindless ape.
Why does he have to debate anything with assholes? Y'all arent really debating either. You're just putting a lot more effort being a douche than he is.
What was happening was as follows: guest puts forth his opinion. Sero responds like a twleve year old in order to refute guest's statement. I see this happen, and call sero out on it. Just because sero's opinion is the more popular one doesn't mean he/she gets to present it in such an idiotic manner. By acting as one with a single digit IQ would, sero completely obliterated his/her own argument. Basically, you didn't see it as a debate because sero was just so insanely stupid that it actually didn't look like one. Just, so fucking earth shatteringly troglodytic that he/she actually ended the debate on the spot, with his/her unquestionable loss of dignity and status as a thinking human.
Someone I could care less about.
They deserved it