yeah every time a celeb female poses nude or nearly nude people loose their minds about them being a whore and how they are worthless to their husbands and don't they know mothers are not allowed to do that and other bullshit
No? Wtf. So you wouldn't care that everyone has seen your mom have sex with somebody on the Internet? I know she's done it but I don't want to think, talk, or be told about it. Great now I'm thinking about it :/
i'd care, clearly not as much as you, but i don't think thats a legitimate reason to be disgusted with someone over it, its like.. you can't be offended FOR someone thats silly, and kids are always grossed out about anything involving their parents having a sex life even though thats how kids are made so using the kids as a reason to berate someone for taking pics is just silly
I never said I was offended and yeah you're right about that but it's not something I want to think about. And yeah that is a stupid reason to berate someone
i wasn't referring to you directly being offended, i was still on the notion of other people who berate said celebs. but, i always lean towards sympathy for the famous, i cannot imagine the shitstorms that would ensue if people heard every word i said and got to offer their opinions on everything i do! as it stands right now even if there were vids of me out there no one would recognize me to ever figure it out.
I feel that taking nudes in general is just a stupid idea as is. No matter if they're leaked or not it's just not a smart thing to do. Also, I've not heard any guy see a naked woman on the internet go "if only these nudes were leaked rather than voluntary".
Just remember the last great "fappening" (God I hate this word) and the JLaw nudes. A lot of people really HAD to see these photos...
Also, you should watch the Last Week Tonight episode about online harassment. "If you don't want your photos leaked, don't take them" is actually as weird as "You are afraid of burglars? Don't own a house".
I may be stating the overly obviouse here but the reason everyone get berated when they willing post budes is the people who find them and are discusted by such things will coment on the openly because they where posted with the persons consent i.e they supported showing themselves indevently to the public. Where as like with the fapining those people are now a victim and if you make fun of someobe who is being victimised. as anyone whoes been on the internt for over a week will tell you there are people who will harrast hack and generly make your life dificult so those same people who posted all about celeb x's newds wont do it when the there hacked newds
I'm sorry but I have hard time trying to understand your post
· 9 years ago
He is over thinking it way too much. Sorry but rape culture in the western world is a myth. You want to see rape culture, go to Africa or the middle east and see what rape culture really is. Rapists are despised in the western world.
Honestly, this argument isn't a good one.
Didn't people get pissed when nudes were stolen?
Also, you should watch the Last Week Tonight episode about online harassment. "If you don't want your photos leaked, don't take them" is actually as weird as "You are afraid of burglars? Don't own a house".