No way In hell did he deserve to win the courage award. Courage is not waiting 20 years to come out. If he had courage he would've came out years ago. Fuck caitlin jenner.
· 9 years ago
It's not just the courage to come out. It's the courage to face the hateful world too after you come out and still have the bravery to stick to it no matter what ass hats like you say... apparently quite a few people think she deserved the award....
I don't understand this argument. Since when is courage a competition? No one is saying soldiers aren't brave, they're just saying Caitlyn Jenner is brave too. Why is that so offensive? I'm not trying to be rude, I've just legitimately not understood this argument.
· 9 years ago
I agree with you soundslikehooplah I hate when people say what diverslover said (Not so diverse huh) he probably heard someone else say it and used it
Yeah, thanks for being one of the only open minded people on this comment thread <3
· 9 years ago
There are others like us some people just dont realize what takes courage till they have to face it. Im sure lots of people who say it isn't courageous feel like theyve done something courageous like the one who said courage is a soldier fighting for our country.
I agree, courage is about fighting for what you believe in, no matter what it is, no matter the consequence. If you don't agree with what Caitlyn is doing, that's your opinion, but don't call someone's ideas 'rubbish'.
I'll just quote Atticus from 'To Kill A Mockingbird'
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see through it no matter what."
My personal unpopular opinion is... I think nobody really cares or likes Bruce/Cait as much as they say they do.. I think most people are acting super happy and acting like it's wonderful so that they don't seem like a close minded individual. I don't think he/she deserved the Courage award. Sure they may seem courage in some people eyes, but I feel like the award was given to them so that whoever hands out the rewards seems cool and accepting.
RachEl Dolezal said she was black and everyone shunned and made fun of her and gave her a really hard time. Wasn't she courageous too? She came out and told the world she was born the wrong race, but instead of praise and acceptance she became a laughing stock.
I think lots of people, when it comes down to it, don't care about Bruce/Cait. I think they take that persons side because they were famous and they want people to think they're opened minded and accepting and loving.
but that's just my personal opinion
In male to female surgery, the testicles and most of the penis are removed and the urethra is cut shorter. Some of the skin is used to fashion a largely functional vagina. A "neoclitoris" that allows sensation can be created from parts of the penis. Men retain their prostates. Most of what is left is used to form the vagina
I agree with what chaboof said, people keep saying stuff like they knew they were 'female' because they liked dolls as a child even though they were a boy. People keep assuming liking traditionally feminine things means you were supposed to be born a female, but I think that's just stereotyping what boys are supposed to like and what girls have to like.
I know most likely nobody will scroll down here but I feel like courage would be doing jail time for the person she hit and killed. I don't give a crap whether or not she has a penis or not she should be in jail for manslaughter.
Gender is separate from sex and has to due with identity and the mind. I would be more than happy to provide some links for you all to do more research on the matter, or perhaps you could look at the links in my previous comments?
I just think it's kind of ridiculous if you're born with those parts. For example I can say that in my mind I am a dolphin. So after surgery and some special hormones i look and somewhat feel like a dolphin.
How does that hold up, though, if gender according to you is sex? How do you even define sex? If it's genitalia, where do intersex people fall as far as gender goes in your mind? If it's chromosomes, what of people with chromosomal disorders that lead to various three-parted combinations of X and Y?
I guess in my mind I find it ridiculous to simply equate gender to sex, especially when so many people's experiences, cultures, and scientific understandings beg to differ.
Which ever sex has the smaller reproductive cell is male. In our case a sperm is smaller than an ovum. And obviously hermaphrodites do exist, but they're very rare, and as such aren't a significant issue.
Also I'm pretty his point is that it doesn't hold up.
I've had about all I can take of this shit. Good lord it's annoying to see this EVERYWHERE. I've never heard of this person until they decided they wanted their dick chopped off
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see through it no matter what."
RachEl Dolezal said she was black and everyone shunned and made fun of her and gave her a really hard time. Wasn't she courageous too? She came out and told the world she was born the wrong race, but instead of praise and acceptance she became a laughing stock.
I think lots of people, when it comes down to it, don't care about Bruce/Cait. I think they take that persons side because they were famous and they want people to think they're opened minded and accepting and loving.
but that's just my personal opinion
I agree with sadtruth
I guess in my mind I find it ridiculous to simply equate gender to sex, especially when so many people's experiences, cultures, and scientific understandings beg to differ.
Also I'm pretty his point is that it doesn't hold up.