I watched a documentary or something about pain. Pain is measured in dolorimeters. There was something about most humans being able to stand 30something through about 17 dolorimeters of pain before blacking out but childbirth reaches up to 57-60 on average.
So, yeah women are totally exaggerating the pain and he's totally right.
There is no measurement for pain, that's bs. And when menstruating our uterus grinds and chafes itself together to to shed and liquify its lining. Shed the lining of your penis and then tell me we're exaggerating
· 9 years ago
Also I did not agree with the father, I said something unrelated to his claim.
I mentioned childbirth because the father said " besides women are exaggerating the so called pain they go through anyway " and the way I read what you typed sounded as if you were defending what the father said, which upon re reading it sounds different and I apologize
And the menstruation would be the equavilant of the balls not the whole penis doing the chafeing and shedding.
Ericar1993, I had that too. After dealing with terrible pain for like six months, i found that out too. And I'm talking like 17 cm wide. Well, maybe that's too graphic. If it is, I apologize. Btw, it was two years ago, I'm in remission as well.
Get on a birth control pill plan that skips over your period. It makes life easier and if you get cramps THAT bad then you know something is seriously wrong
I'm actually a fan of birth control pills because they get your hormones under control and regulates everything. And the reason you gain weight while on them is because they trick your body into thinking it's pregnant, so you get cravings and such. It's pretty mild depending on what you're on
· 9 years ago
My acne cleared up and I went up a bra size when I started my current BC pill. The first one I tried made me vomit bright yellow. Its all about finding the right formula for you
It really is. I used to get such bad cramps that I HAD to sit down and not do anything, but now I don't have cramps or heavy bleeding or monthly migraines even. Since I started I've gone up about 3 cup sizes, but I've also struggled with keeping my weight down.
If a guy or whatever is saying that period cramps aren't that bad, he's wrong. Period cramps are the result of your uterus contacting to shed the liner inside of it. The contractions are the same ones in childbirth. So basically we have 'small' labor pains every month.
Ok, period pain is hell painful. A girls hips push down on her dying and contracting uterus. Her uterus will contract, it feels like death or severe constipation paint her hips will push down on it. This can last for two weeks. Pre mensterel pain, for up to a week, and the after math. It can also hurt your uterus surrounding organs as periods are so big, and the uterus is almost in shock. It happens to me, so believe me. It can be painful to move and walk.
The science behind everything you just said is so wrong, but yes, in essence menstrual cramps are painful. But please do not make up things like "your dying uterus" and "the period is so big, your uterus is almost in shock" because this is just completely false. And your organs surrounding your uterus do not hurt because of the contractions, that's either a product of hormonal changes in your body or you should see a doctor. And FYI, your hips do not move during menstruation.
So, yeah women are totally exaggerating the pain and he's totally right.
And the menstruation would be the equavilant of the balls not the whole penis doing the chafeing and shedding.