Though, if I recall correctly, this was a case of the paparazzi hounding her and causing the conditions which resulted in the accident. I believe theres actually a video of the incident leading up to the crash. One of the very few times a celebrity wasn't totally at fault.
Not defending, relaying facts from the Incident. Both drivers were culpable, and in my opinion so were the paparazzi. Unlike in 90% of celebrity accidents where the celebrity (and I use that word with great elasticity ) is totally to blame for numerous reasons but never receive so much as a citation.
You know, that brings up some really interesting questions regarding forensics ect as well as profiling. Totally off subject but still interesting to me.
celebrities get away with this shit all the time... how many people were chearing on Mayweather? Guy continuously beat women, no one said boo about that, he still got his award.
Thats how fame works sadly
To be honest...I don't give a shit about her or any of the Kardashian family...I'd rather read news about a boy being sacrificed in a South American tribe than listen to whatever is going on with that family
While I could not care less about anybody in that Kardashian klusterfuck, the little bit I saw of the video showed that the driver who was killed was also not maintaining a proper and safe following distance. I see accidents like this--multiple vehicle ones--regularly on my commute and once even witnessed one happen. The blame lays equally with all involved, not solely on a single driver.
Thats how fame works sadly