That's just disgraceful. That man should go to jail for murdering such a rare species
· 9 years ago
You have won Understatement of the Year for your phrase "Rare species" when referring to a triceratops. The prize is two pairs of neon green shoelaces, and a mug with an extremely outdated Periodic Table printed on it that glows in the dark. Plus a voucher for $10 at your nearest frozen yoghurt retailer. Conglaturation.
He needs to be brought to justice, just because he's mega rich and famous doesn't me he can do this stuff
· 9 years ago
I can't believe he did that :/ first that dentist kills a golden tiger and now this guy, who clearly looks Asian, killed this giant rhino. Wtf iz wrong wif people?!!1!
Okay I looked at the picture and was like "shut up that's a triceratops" and then I looked at all of the comments and was like "either everyone is bullshitting me or I'm really blind" lmao
Therefore, rare...