I don't think it's too big a problem, but if it really bothers you, I'm pretty sure they make cream or something for them. BUT IM SURE YOUR BUTT IS BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT!
not to mention tis normally gunna be covered by clothing, and honestly if anyone gets lucky enough to unwrap it, they arent gunna give a shit about the stretch marks. i think women worry more about their own stretch marks than anyone else does.
this is one of those situations where the fact that "nobody cares" should be the most liberating thing ever. no body cares. we worry so much about our beach bodies and seriously, no body cares. if you are bootylicious, trust me, they dont care that theres stretch marks, they probably dont even see them till you point them out. no body cares. hell the men who are most fond of booty tend to date fat girls who are covered in stretch marks anyways. no body cares about your stretch marks. if other girls start to say something about your stretch marks, rest assured they only noticed them because they already felt threatened by the rest of your body and are hoping to take you down a peg or two, because they already know that your stretch marks are not significant enough to take away from the rest of how fantastic you are.
Any time I've taken my pants off in front of a guy, no one has ever said anything about my stretch marks on my thighs. They're usually focused on something else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I had stretch marks until I started using biosilk, I thought it was just for my hair until I took the time to read the bottle, I would have liked to keep them because it shows that my Ass is indeed real (I'm from Louisiana, cornfed) anyway keep them, my ass is huge but I've never heard anyone complain
You're beautiful the way you are :)
You're beautiful the way you are :)