The bottom right one is the base for the reverse-human transmutation circle.
· 9 years ago
Are they seeking to turn other elements, mostly lead, into gold? Is there some part of alchemy I'm missing? Are they searching for the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life? "Alchemy"
· 9 years ago
It's from the show Fullmetal Alchemist
· 9 years ago
Ohhhhhhh okay
· 9 years ago
I kind of want to draw these all over my old Christian schools playground, and see what the reaction would be.
Let me explain, my old Christian school is in Windsor Ontario, and I currently live in Calgary Alberta. It is roughly 3050 km from where I live. And sure I could go to a nearby Christian school, a good 15 kilometers from my place. But I would never do it, UNLESS I had a bucket of bright orange coloured calk and a guy keeping watch at 2 in the morning.
I don't have chalk to do it
Midwest of America
I must venture there