Yes but he also lived well and loved well. Snape had a horrible life and was manipulated and used the entire time. It's the thought that maybe he could've found some happiness and healing after it was over but that potential was lost. (Seriously though, I don't think she really could've taken his character anywhere after the war, not as he was written, so it makes sense that he died there.)
He was a servant how is that a loving life he got scarred when Harry was mad at him. Dobby didn't deserve it
· 9 years ago
It's been a while since I've seen the movies and I haven't read the books so my memory is probably a bit fuzzy but he seemed to really love Harry. He just never really got free from his slave mentality.
Sephoria, I'm loving your tumblr compilations. Keep up the good work, they always bring a smile to my face and make my day better. Sephoria, you da real MVP.
oh, haha, ballsonyourface. how young , how sweet. how innocent. first of all, miniegg's comment doesn't make sense. second of all, he brought up that you deleted the comment. and I think you're the only person who thinks I'm a dick.
If I wanted tumblr I'd fucking go on tumblr