This became a thing because of several legal cases in he United States in the early 1900s. While a fresh banana won't make you slip, a partly decomposed one will. What happened in the cases was someone stepped on one that had been sitting on a train station steps for about a week, and fell down the stairs and broke their leg. The question was whether it is negligence to not pick it up for a long period of time. Cartoonists thought it was funny and started including it in cartoons. It's happened more recently as well:
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Whoa! I bet you were just waiting for a moment like this to inform people about this lol
My sister did this once to see if it would work. She put a peel on the floor and stepped on it and it didn't work. So she left it there and went upstairs. Our mom called us from the garden to help her and she comes running down the stairs, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BANANA PEEL and slips so hard she had a bruise on the back of her head for two weeks. It was hysterical