It's a "we're 'breaking up' for publicity then will do out big reunion tour and get lots of money, break up again then do a revival tour another 2 years later"
1) Shallow lyrics
2) They have "Nanananan" parts in their songs
3) They say the word "stuff" in at least one song (Really? Can't be any more detailed or come up with a word for "stuff?" Lame.)
4) Every song is about a girl (C'mon guys...there's more to life than women...)
5) Their hair is ridiculous
6) Their fan base is annoying as sh** (It consists of mainly 13-18 year old girls who can't spell the word 'intelligent.')
7) If you dare insult their precious music or appearances, you get dirty responses. (ALWAYS. Just look at the comments above/below mine.)
8) They did a remake of Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply" and failed terribly at it (This one irks me the most. I'm a big Savage Garden fan)
9) If one of their songs has a title, it's not original.
10) They mention Katy Perry in one of their songs (Yeah, SHE'S a good artist...NOT.)
11) They sound like a bunch of 10 year olds singing
12) "Mind if I touch it and see if it's soft?" (Yeah, those are actual lyrics from one of their songs, and no, they're not talking about a puppy.)
13) They say the word p*ssy 20 times in one song
14) They're all between ages 18-20 and they're in a BOY BAND (Sorry ladies, they like boy-meat)
15) "Shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite." (How original.)
16) "I wish I had a girl to cuddle up to at night instead of my pillow" -Harry Styles (Gee, I wish I had two-hundred million fans who would eat their left hand just to be able to TOUCH me. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Harry. It's not hard for you to get a girlfriend, stop acting like it is.)
17) "We don't mind having haters; as long as we have our girls, we're strong." -Zayn (Yeah, that's right. Let your herd do all the work for your. Hear that, 1D fans? Go beat up on all the haters so they don't have to lift a finger! They know you'll do ANYTHING for them.)
18) They don't really care about the music (If they did, it wouldn't sound like complete crap.)
19) "Girls are the same all over the world, aren't they? They're all beautiful!" (He just figured out the key to getting stupid women to jump in his pants.)
20) "Before you judge people, judge yourself." (Oh man...that's a direct message to all of us haters out there, isn't it? Hm, well...I have found that I am indeed a judgmental ***hole. Now that that's over with...on to number 21.)
21) "It doesn't matter where we end up as long as we're together." (See? Told you they were gay. Five-some in the bedroom! But it's okay...they're all together!)
22) "I hate it when girls act stupid cause they think it's cute." -Niall Horan (Really? So it's okay for you to do it because you're a guy..?)
23) Their fans are STUPID with a capital STUPID
24) They have lyrics like "Imma beat dat p*ssy up"
25) Zero respect for women: "B*tch lemme take ya home" (Think about that, 1D really think any of these guys would LOVE you? They just want your you-know-what. Stop thinking you're the one for them.)
26) They lie: “I'd rather be called a boy and play with paper airplanes than be called a man and play with a girl's heart.” -Niall (Think I'm wrong? What do you think all those freaking songs about sex mean?)
27) They lie: "I'm a Frank Sinatra fan." (If you were, you wouldn't disgrace the musical community with the crap you write.)
28) They're such GREAT role know, drinking, cursing, talking about sex non-stop, trying to gamble in Las Vegas...
29) They're overly conceited
30) They don't write their own songs. They co-write ONLY
31) They auto-tune the crap out of their voices (Why? Because they have NO TALENT)
32) Just take a second to really look at them...
33) The only book Nial has ever read is "To Kill a Mockingbird" (I want to strangle this one...seriously? That's the only book you've EVER read? That must be why their songs have such terrible grammar. Educate yourself, boy.)
If you hate them so much, why do you know so much about them, why waste your time finding out all this stuff about them if you hate them so much?
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Okay I know everything there is to know for a fan of one direction (mostly) and a lot of your facts are very incorrect.
btw you're calling ME STUPID with a capital STUPID? Last time i checked my gpa i think it disagreed with you
Jesus Christ. I'm not even a fan and I could tell you why most of your points are bullshit. You must have a pretty miserable life if you spend so much time thinking about things you seem to hate with such a passion. That . . . that was pretty pathetic.
Ok I'm just going to be the one that says your points are awful really
1) "I wish that I could take you to the stars
I'd never let you fall and break your heart
And if you wanna cry or fall apart
I'll be there to hold you'
2) "Don't forget where you belong" and many more have nothing to do with a girl
6) There's tons and tons of fans that are very smart and have more of a life than you. You are just looking at a small percentage of them.
8) that's your opinion but it's definitely not a fact
9) song titles come from the lyrics of the song idk what you're expecting
10) I don't even know what to say about this one it's such a crappy point
11) Pls listen to one of their songs before you make comments like this. It's not true in any way.
13) no, they don't
14) they are indeed in a boy band. Good observation
16) sounds like you're jealous
17) what is wrong with ignoring the people who pull you down?
18) if you knew how much time and effort they put into their music you wouldn't say those things
20) that's a quote that you should live by, my friend
21) Do you have something against gay people?
23) wow congrats on that top notch insult. Bet it took you all day to come up with that one
24) again, not true
25) not a real quote
26 & 27) neither of those are lies.
28) I'm not saying they're good role models but they rarely talk about sex up front
31) try listening to them live
32) pretty hot am I right ;)
33) that's not a true fact either
The ones I didn't respond to weren't worth it. Have a nice day
actually I didn't start doing my research until I heard my nine year old niece singing "imma beat that p*ssy up". then I did some research and you guys are not creating a valid argument, you're only backing my reasons up. so thanks. (also I have nothing against gay people but I know do they're only using their looks for marketing)
also I once worked at an events center where they were doing some tv interview (not a concert, just a tv interview) and not only were THREE of the employees injured (one got a broken foot), but a girl in a wheelchair was knocked down and the other fans just trampled over her! we had to get security to create a circle around her so she could get up and at that point she was so upset she just went home.
2) They have "Nanananan" parts in their songs
3) They say the word "stuff" in at least one song (Really? Can't be any more detailed or come up with a word for "stuff?" Lame.)
4) Every song is about a girl (C'mon guys...there's more to life than women...)
5) Their hair is ridiculous
6) Their fan base is annoying as sh** (It consists of mainly 13-18 year old girls who can't spell the word 'intelligent.')
7) If you dare insult their precious music or appearances, you get dirty responses. (ALWAYS. Just look at the comments above/below mine.)
8) They did a remake of Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply" and failed terribly at it (This one irks me the most. I'm a big Savage Garden fan)
9) If one of their songs has a title, it's not original.
10) They mention Katy Perry in one of their songs (Yeah, SHE'S a good artist...NOT.)
11) They sound like a bunch of 10 year olds singing
13) They say the word p*ssy 20 times in one song
14) They're all between ages 18-20 and they're in a BOY BAND (Sorry ladies, they like boy-meat)
15) "Shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite." (How original.)
16) "I wish I had a girl to cuddle up to at night instead of my pillow" -Harry Styles (Gee, I wish I had two-hundred million fans who would eat their left hand just to be able to TOUCH me. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Harry. It's not hard for you to get a girlfriend, stop acting like it is.)
17) "We don't mind having haters; as long as we have our girls, we're strong." -Zayn (Yeah, that's right. Let your herd do all the work for your. Hear that, 1D fans? Go beat up on all the haters so they don't have to lift a finger! They know you'll do ANYTHING for them.)
19) "Girls are the same all over the world, aren't they? They're all beautiful!" (He just figured out the key to getting stupid women to jump in his pants.)
20) "Before you judge people, judge yourself." (Oh man...that's a direct message to all of us haters out there, isn't it? Hm, well...I have found that I am indeed a judgmental ***hole. Now that that's over with...on to number 21.)
21) "It doesn't matter where we end up as long as we're together." (See? Told you they were gay. Five-some in the bedroom! But it's okay...they're all together!)
22) "I hate it when girls act stupid cause they think it's cute." -Niall Horan (Really? So it's okay for you to do it because you're a guy..?)
23) Their fans are STUPID with a capital STUPID
24) They have lyrics like "Imma beat dat p*ssy up"
26) They lie: “I'd rather be called a boy and play with paper airplanes than be called a man and play with a girl's heart.” -Niall (Think I'm wrong? What do you think all those freaking songs about sex mean?)
27) They lie: "I'm a Frank Sinatra fan." (If you were, you wouldn't disgrace the musical community with the crap you write.)
28) They're such GREAT role know, drinking, cursing, talking about sex non-stop, trying to gamble in Las Vegas...
29) They're overly conceited
30) They don't write their own songs. They co-write ONLY
31) They auto-tune the crap out of their voices (Why? Because they have NO TALENT)
32) Just take a second to really look at them...
btw you're calling ME STUPID with a capital STUPID? Last time i checked my gpa i think it disagreed with you
1) "I wish that I could take you to the stars
I'd never let you fall and break your heart
And if you wanna cry or fall apart
I'll be there to hold you'
2) "Don't forget where you belong" and many more have nothing to do with a girl
6) There's tons and tons of fans that are very smart and have more of a life than you. You are just looking at a small percentage of them.
8) that's your opinion but it's definitely not a fact
9) song titles come from the lyrics of the song idk what you're expecting
10) I don't even know what to say about this one it's such a crappy point
11) Pls listen to one of their songs before you make comments like this. It's not true in any way.
13) no, they don't
14) they are indeed in a boy band. Good observation
16) sounds like you're jealous
17) what is wrong with ignoring the people who pull you down?
20) that's a quote that you should live by, my friend
21) Do you have something against gay people?
23) wow congrats on that top notch insult. Bet it took you all day to come up with that one
24) again, not true
25) not a real quote
26 & 27) neither of those are lies.
28) I'm not saying they're good role models but they rarely talk about sex up front
31) try listening to them live
32) pretty hot am I right ;)
33) that's not a true fact either
The ones I didn't respond to weren't worth it. Have a nice day