He kinda sorta almost looks feral... Feral piglets are SUPER aggressive little buggers! (Don't ask how I know. Unless you want to hear the slightly gruesome tale of why I only have 9 1/2 toes...)
OK, you asked for it... So, I live on a cattle ranch in the Oklahoma panhandle, and about 8 years ago, when I was 11 and stupid, I was taking a walk through some scrub brush next to the creek... While wearing shorts and Chacos... Suddenly I heard this weird little sqealing noise, so, like the dumbo I was, I walked over to check it out. I found a nest (litter? batch? whatever) of little feral piglets. Since Big Mama Pig was nowhere to be seen, I walked even closer to look at the cute wittle piggies, and then... They attacked. 3 of them latched onto my shins, one managed to chomp the hem of my cargo shorts, two were chawing on the straps of my Chacos, and one (the foul little cockroach) got a mouthful of my big toe... I tried to shake them off, I was running around and yelling bloody murder and hitting them with whatever I could find... And suffice it to say, I ended up back at the house with half a toe less than I started out with...
· 9 years ago
This just got real. I'm sorry for ur injuries. But that is crazy. I knew they were mean but I didn't think they were that mean when they were little.
Aw, thanks! But it's OK. I was just a stupid kid, blundering around like an idiot-- probably scared the heck out of them, and they did the only thing they could. I actually kind of like pigs, I've just learned to give feral ones a lotta space! (And not wear shorts and sandals while walking around a ranch, duuuuuh... I was new to ranch life at the time, and didn't know the basics yet!) Haven't worn sandals much for the last 8 years, though! ;) (And BTW, thanks for being interested in my dumb story! It's nice to tell somebody who's not just interested in small-town gossip! And believe me, that story sure made the rounds in the little town near us!) Cheers! :)
Yeah small towns are great for that, you're lucky the mom didn't get a hold of you she could have easily tore your whole leg off! I've had domestic pigs give me huge bruises just by thrashing around a feral pig isn't going to show the same restraint as a fat lazy domestic.
This just got real. I'm sorry for ur injuries. But that is crazy. I knew they were mean but I didn't think they were that mean when they were little.