OK so funny thing I once decided I wanted to torture myself so I put on a bunch of music from an artist I've never heard music from, but I've heard legends that he was shit. The name of this artist is Skrillex. And holy shit. Lyrics? What lyrics? Music? That's not music. That's rave noise. That's the sort of background noise that you'd expect when entering a raunchy pit-stop sex club. That's the sort of noise I make when I'm home alone and constipated. Holy hell, I listened to six minutes and a few seconds and then had to go to the outernet to relieve my mind.
· 9 years ago
I've never listened to his stuff but with that description I don't have to. Thanks for sparing me the ear bleeding.
· 9 years ago
If you had to go to the outernet, the music must be bad.
It was absolutely horrible. I came back inside and made myself a chicken ramen with mushroom and egg and spinach and listened to the barbie song on repeat. Much better.
To be fair...
Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift did put out some good songs. I think the dislike of them comes from Miley's whore stage and the virtue that Taylor's songs all sound the same. They were good at first but then got old.
*but I wouldn't know because I only listen to what comes on the radio*
· 9 years ago
and go on and downvote me into oblivion but just know i never do that to your dr. who comments
Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift did put out some good songs. I think the dislike of them comes from Miley's whore stage and the virtue that Taylor's songs all sound the same. They were good at first but then got old.
*but I wouldn't know because I only listen to what comes on the radio*
and go on and downvote me into oblivion but just know i never do that to your dr. who comments