No one woluld ever have to go hungry
9 years ago by sticktoyou · 2129 Likes · 17 comments · Popular
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· 9 years ago
That doesn't look very big.
· 9 years ago
That looks like it can feed a town, at most and with rationing
· 9 years ago
Unfortunately it costs gazillions
· 9 years ago
And would break up into pieces after the first few storms.
· 9 years ago
The real problems with feeding the world are transportation and preservation, not production. Unless this can solve those problems, it won't end world hunger.
· 9 years ago
Except that greedy people will still charge too much for healthy foods, forcing the poor to buy cheap, unhealthy foods. Also, the storage and transport of the produce from this complex would be more difficult to deal with than in traditional systems. It is a cool idea, but I do not see this helping much with world hunger in the near future.
· 9 years ago
The process to produce 'healthier' food is more costly and that is why healthy foods cost more; greed doesn't play a part in all who produce healthy foods. Some people DON'T what to watch the world burn. And honestly, eating healthy is much cheaper than eating fast foods so I feel your argument is invalid although I appreciate your passion.
· 9 years ago
I'd like to know how growing the healthier version of something costs more when you don't buy most of the stuff they spray on to kill bugs 'n stuff.
· 9 years ago
The soil much more expensive and has to be turned more often as well as other things during the growing process that have to be done. If you are interested, there are many books on the subject. I say because I'm thinking of growing my own vegetables. The thought of continually putting toxic in my body actually from the pesticides turns my stomach. Sorry for the bad pun..but there you have it.
· 9 years ago
Eating fresh produce and good quality meat is absolutely more expensive than eating frozen and canned foods. I can buy a week's worth of the fresh stuff for the same price I can buy a month's worth of the packaged stuff (I do this regularly, and I will spend an hour in the store, comparing pricing by volume or weight). Also, eating fast food is cheaper than going to a real dine-in restaurant (4 items on the value menu = $4.28 with tax; typical lowest priced adult meal at a restaurant $9.99, not including tax or tip). The higher cost of production is part of it, but greed plays a role in everything humans do on a large scale. If you do not believe greed is involved in food pricing, or the distribution of quality food, then you are naive at best.
· 9 years ago
...and it has also been know that when food is sent to 3rd world countries, it sits and rots because of B.S red tape or the greedy who want to sell it.
· 9 years ago
Why not just get an old oil rig and just use that? Even then, it's not that great of an idea.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Yeah the thing is we actually have enough grains and food to end world hunger, we just don't. I learned that either from the book food politics or one of michael pollen's books
· 9 years ago
Wtf happens if thers a hurricane or tsunami or some crazy mother nature shit?! Was this even thought through?!
· 9 years ago
Soylent Green is people!
· 9 years ago
Until a wave comes
· 9 years ago
The only reason people go hungry is because they do not have enough money to buy food, it's all about money in the world, not how much resources we have