You realize that, as a general rule, the smaller scorpions are (and the smaller their pincers are in proportion to body size) the more poisonous they tend to be, right?
· 9 years ago
You do realize scorpions are not poisonous they are venomous right? But no I did not know that rule and most scorpions are only deadly to little children and elderly
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
A general rule of thumb can be used to tell the dangerous scorpions from harmless species. Scorpions with large powerful claws are mostly harmless (important exception: Hemiscorpius lepturus), while species with thin, slender claws might be dangerous. Please note that a lot of species with slender claws are harmless too, but you need experience to separate the dangerous ones from the harmless
Yes, sorry, I do know about the venemous thing (poisonous: must be ingested; venemous: must be injected)-- I just used the wrong term. Homework has addled my brains til I can hardly remember my own name anymore! :/
Back to scorpions, do you know if the same rule as applies to snakes (venom most potent in the very young) applies to scorpions? I wouldn't really think so, but I haven't been able to find any relevant data.
snakes are also not more venomous when babies. neither is more venomous as babies. the line about them lacking the ability to control dose of venom has been studied and thus far no truth has been found.
Back to scorpions, do you know if the same rule as applies to snakes (venom most potent in the very young) applies to scorpions? I wouldn't really think so, but I haven't been able to find any relevant data.