*sings* O Canada, the place I want to move...
Never mind the land of the free, I'll take the land of politeness, wild forests, moose, maple syrup, hockey and free healthcare...
I have a question about the US. (I'm not trying to hate or anything, I'm just genuinely curious). Why is the US considered the land of the free? What makes it more free then Canada or England?
I think it is because the USA was established with the pursuit of freedom in mind-- when it was founded, the people of America were given more political freedoms than the people of any other nation in the world. Over time, some other nations followed our example and granted their people greater freedom as well, until (with some exceptions) they had equivalent privileges. So, for the most part, all 'the land of the free' is anymore, is a patriotic slogan. (Home of the brave? Maybe-- that's another discussion entirely...)
am I the only person on here who knows there's no such thing as "free" healthcare? honestly if you think Canada or England or wherever has free anything you've obviously not done your research
At last. Somebody who heard of such things as scaringly high revenue taxes, 15% sales taxes and 'literally' years of waiting to meet with "free"specialist... just to know what's wrong with you (assuming you're not dead by then)we're not even talking treatment at this point. Unless it's a common cold.
if people want to pay higher taxes and wait way too long to see someone, go ahead, move to Canada or England. the point is that so many people think it's "free" when it is far far from it and please keep it out of America!
Meh, my insurance covers it all. You know not everyone is dying from illnesses over here right? Actually, why is it ok to take shots at the U.S. but when I do to places such as Canada and Western Europe, I get a bad flock over it?
Never mind the land of the free, I'll take the land of politeness, wild forests, moose, maple syrup, hockey and free healthcare...