that's a waste of money and candy, also it could hit another car behind you
· 9 years ago
To the people concerned about polluting; why not just unwrap the candy and throw it out the window? Because the candy is sugar, and the sugar should (hopefully) just dissolve.
If you have a good arm, you could throw it far enough so it's not on the road. Of course, I forget that when people take road trips, they go on the freeway... so that may not work...
· 9 years ago
Why am I being downvoted for an idea? Gosh dangit, people.
How about instead of throwing away perfectly good candy, just take it and put it in a "trash bag" that then just goes towards the next trip's candy supply.
My parents did this with my siblings and me with MnM's. Except every time there was trouble, my mum would give an MnM to my dad...
It made trips a lot less noisy and irritating, let me tell you.
It made trips a lot less noisy and irritating, let me tell you.