I knew a guy with an attitude like yours once. The last time I remember seeing him was sitting in the back of a van, holding his face, saying "Why are you doing this to me," after he got punched in the face for the third time because he didn't know when to shut the fuck up.
I know I might get downvoted for this or for "taking this too seriously" but honestly, I'm not the type to jump on your ass and call you a "butthurt baby" the second you don't laugh at the same things I do. Nobody finds everything funny. There are some jokes I can laugh at that others can't and vice versa. It depends on the person. The idea that you need to loosen up because Joe over there can get a chuckle out of some joke or another and you can't is ridiculous. You don't know why a certain comment might rub someone the wrong way, so you shouldn't just assume it's because they lack a sense of humor. Different strokes for different folks.
. . . Wow, that was a but more rant-y than I thought it would be. My bad.
its one thing to not laugh at something. It's an other thing to get really offended by a joke someone says on the Internet. If you take a joke that's not aimed at you really personally and get butthurt then you shouldn't even have access to the Internet.
Well, it depends on the joke and the person. Plenty of people find rape jokes acceptable but I'm pretty sure most rape victims would be offended and that is not in any way unreasonable.
If the smartass is smart about every statement, it's not funny anymore--it's annoying.
Was disappoint
>this is justified and accepted
. . . Wow, that was a but more rant-y than I thought it would be. My bad.