Westboro - signs claiming God hates gays.
KKK - overweight men in white robes yelling about all the people they hate.
ISIS - ninja suits and white Toyota trucks.
I guess this was supposed to be profound, but all three groups seem rather proud of themselves and are fairly easy to identify.
No one I have ever heard has difficulty differentiating between Muslims and isis. Isis Westboro Church and the KKK tell us who they are. The problem is all the other millions of terrorists that do not fly a flag and kill innocents around the world in the name of their religion. The Westboro Baptist Church are loudmouthed hatemongers notmass murderers. Your ill conceived point is invalid.
But...but...but...how am I supposed to use white "Christian" people as an example to support the bigotry and xenophobia I want to senselessly spew when they actually look like me???
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)" (Translation is from the Noble Quran) The verse prior to this (190) refers to "fighting for the cause of Allah those who fight you" leading some to believe that the entire passage refers to a defensive war in which Muslims are defending their homes and families. The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare.
The Quran urges violence, in the Bible however, which includes the Torah it has many verses stating that before war you must seek a just peace, the Jews main greeting means peace. The difference between Muslims and Isis is that Isis follows the Quran.
· 9 years ago
Uh, dude. The Bible is FULL of instances where violence is not only okay, but encouraged. Time goes by, modern people change the parts they practice, it's like that with most holy books. The Quran also has passages urging tolerance, just like the Bible. The difference between Muslims and Isis is that Isis is a military/political entity/cartel, trying to use the local religion to control and recruit the populace, and to rationalize their methods. A group could use the Bible for the same thing if they wanted to. Pretty sure the Westboros would be putting bullets in people if their lawyers could argue it away in court.
In the Bible, God commanded Joshua to straight up murder all the Canaanites, including women, children, and infants, for being sinners. Samuel later tells Saul to do the same to the Amalekates, for the same reason. "Being sinners" is pretty much justification for a lot of stuff in there. The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisitiin, the Roman Inquisition, the Portuguese Inquisition, there are examples of Christian doctrine being used one way or another for documented violence recently enough. As intelligent people, we all now know that much of this violence was specific to its own point in time and its own circumstances, and that it's not actually glorified or commanded for Christians to do these things. We also know the Crusades and Inquisitions were atrocities that twisted faith for the gain of those who called for them. So why is it so hard to believe a Muslim when she says "I would never hurt anyone, those things in the Quran are not practiced to the letter." Why is it so hard to
· 9 years ago
believe that the over 1,000 scholars and Imams in India who recently issued a joint fatwa against the violence of daesh not only are faithful Muslims, but that non-violence ties in with their view of their faith? A religion follows its followers. The loud few--very few, by the numbers--that are actively violent are comparable to the loud few who committed violence in the name of Christianity.
Historically the KKK was extremely violent. Public beating, lynchings, burning people's homes...with them still inside. It did matter is it was man woman or child. They have gotten mellower only because society forced it upon them.
OMG the point is all of these are extremist groups, it's not about how extreme they are, it's about how we can tell that they are not the definition of the religion they supposedly represent. WestBro and KKK call themselves christian but we know there not...there asshole extremists....just like ISIS call themselves Muslim but there not.....there ASSHOLE EXTREMISTS. What's outlined here is if you can make a delineation between christians and the KKK you can do the same with ISIS and muslims.
KKK - overweight men in white robes yelling about all the people they hate.
ISIS - ninja suits and white Toyota trucks.
I guess this was supposed to be profound, but all three groups seem rather proud of themselves and are fairly easy to identify.