As a former USMC Military Police Officer, she scares the hell out of me. The fact that she is openly talking about an Australia style forced gun buy-back should be a red flag for anyone who is considering voting for her. (Turn in your firearms or become a felon). She is calling all gun owners criminals and mass shooters, saying that "blood is on your hands" which is no different than blaming all Muslims for ISIS.
When your government changes from doing what you want to doing what it thinks is best for you, it is time for a new government.
Fruit_salad, you do know about the Benghazi scandal, right? How she knew that there was going to be an attack, but she withheld the information just to get a political leg-up. Also, like guest said before, she would be infringing the rights of us as Americans.
Ok. I said that I support some of her views (Taxes on the wealthy etc) not that I like her. If I had a choice on who to vote for, it wouldn't be her. you all come in and start freaking the fuck out that someone has a different viewpoint than you. Chill.
What exactly are her views on taxing the wealthy? Do you know them? Will she be subject to these taxes? Also, etc? What are the other views you agree with?
· 9 years ago
Excellent rebuttal without hate, anger or cuss words!
I hate to get political, but currently as far as taxes go, anyone making over $415,000 a year is paying 39.6% in taxes. Meaning for every $500,000 you earn, you pay $198,000 in taxes. I'm curious how much more should successful people pay? And if so many people are behind this "tax the rich" why aren't people volunteering the income? Do you think Bill Gates is not allowed to just GIVE the an extra million or 2 million to the government? The fact is there is nothing stopping that.
Even though I'm a woman I openly admit I believe voting Hilary Clinton in as president is one of the worst possibilities for this country. . .go woman activists etc. But she's nuts. And I'm sorry if this seems all sexist but females are too emotionally irrational to rule a country. Just my opinion. We all have our bad days and crazy moments but women go to the extreme way too often. /shrug jus saying
When your government changes from doing what you want to doing what it thinks is best for you, it is time for a new government.