:thinking: 3 comments
· 6 years ago
The global economy isn’t in danger...
I feel like I'm gonna drop it 2 comments
· 6 years ago
When people ask me to I literally just say no. I’m 27 and have never held a baby. They’re sticky and throw up a lot and I’m not about that life.
Never forget the truly great 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Wow, uh, @umar79. take your ass backward thinking and get educated. 1. You can't product shit based on past behavior. 2. Robert Kardashian brought the name into prominence when he defended O.J. 3. Did Bezos struggle? How about Gates? How about Zuckerberg, Musk or Wozniak? Sounds like you don't know shit and you need to keep quiet. I'm not even berating J.K. but people like you literally stop rich people from helping causes because "they didn't earn it" or "they were wrongfully won gains". Literally GTFO YOU TROLL.
Love, a man not hiding behind his account.
Love, a man not hiding behind his account.
Make sense to me! 8 comments
Traffic in the DFW 15 comments
Hillary Clint-off 19 comments
· 8 years ago
My vote for Gary Johnson in the state of Texas did nothing to hurt Hillary Clinton. The flaw in your logic that a vote for the third party hurts the Democratic party is that were it not for the third party, people would have voted for the DP. In reality, I would sooner have abstained from voting entirely than vote for Clinton. Further, who cares what millions of people think? Millions once believed in slavery but that didn't morally legitimize it.
Edited 8 years ago
Hillary Clint-off 19 comments
· 8 years ago
I didn't waste my vote. I voted my conscience and stand by my selection. How did my vote for Johnson help Trump win? That seems to suppose that I would have voted for Hillary were it not for Johnson.
Hillary Clint-off 19 comments
· 8 years ago
No your not. By all outward appearances, I should have been a Trump supporter. I even wrote a blog post about it.
The puppy room 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, I have PTSD and still think my statement holds. Lighten up, champ.
I will stop at no barrier to prove my point! 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Me whenever people want to talk about economics! Which thankfully is happening more often!
Better use them wisely 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Unless, you know, your child goes to college early, goes to college late, or doesn't attend college at all.
Hillary Clint-off 19 comments
What's so wrong about tat? 11 comments
· 8 years ago
When my sister revealed to my dad that she got some tattoos she asked why he had never gotten one. He said "you don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley" and walked away.
America being America 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Is it though? Is this really evidence of American arrogance or something? It's called a world championship because the best players of the sport in the entire world play in the NFL, so it stands to reason that the best team of the best players of the sport in the entire world would be deemed the world champions. This is similarly why the MLB calls it's championship the World Series, because the best baseball players on the planet play in America.
Hillary Clint-off 19 comments
· 8 years ago
It was a lose lose situation. Whether you get a 1% or a 2% on a test, you've still failed.
Masterpiece 12 comments
no idea who this guy is but I like his gumption(i think that's how it's spelled) 25 comments
· 8 years ago
See, it's funny because the wage gap, as understood by the general population, doesn't exist.
Edited 8 years ago