Some rules I like: 1. If you aren't certain, keep your mouth shut. 2. When you're wrong, admit it. 3. Make anyone you talk to feel like the most important person in the room. 4. Never be unreachable. 5. The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second-best? Tell one other person -if you must. There is no third best. 6. Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you, literally or otherwise. 7. Hold drinks in your left hand, no one likes a wet or cold handshake. 8. Don't embellish someone's attributes, goodness, when accurately described can stand on it's own. 9. Cologne is intimate apparel, use it sparingly. 10. Don't try to change the opinions of those you're dining with, it's dinner, not a debate. 11. Skim milk, avoid it.
up for friends; down for strangers