yes, i know this is true, but in light of recent events (and i'm probably going to get downvoted for this) ISIS really does seem worse, I mean i looked up recent kkk killings and the only things that popped up were 'on this day in 1920' or something like that when if you look up terrorist killings and get something like this
where almost nothing happens in the U.S., and the most happens in countries like Iraq. Yes, I understand the point of the comic, but one should step back and think before blindly agreeing with something like this. feel free to downvote me, i'm just another internet guy's opinion
I truly do appreciate your opinion but how I understand the comic (and I feel you may understand it in the same way, I'm just elaborating my view) is that it's not directly referencing a specific organisation it's saying that someone who would force thier religion upon someone is not a true follower of that religion.
Think about this, Islam has been around since the mid 600s, when Muhammad was born. Christianity started about 30 ce. so islam is about 1400s years old. When Christianity was 1400 years old things such as the spanish inquisition and the crusades were happening. In the spanish inquisition, around 125000 people were persecuted and 1250, around, were killed. But if you know anything about the spanish inquisition you will know many were tortured until they rejected their faith or confessed and what not. As for the crusades around 1 million Muslims were killed. And the kkk lynched 3446 blacks.
This was a jumble of statistics and what not but the point is Christianity is just as violent and messed as Islam is. It was just that it happened a while ago so people have forgotten. The most violent years seem to be when religions are 1400 years old so i suppose you could say its the rebellious and murderous teenage years of a religion. Im gonna stop thanks for reading heres the research
it was too long so heres the research
Thanks for the research and your right religious puberty sucks, either they want nothing to do with anyone else or they end up killing everyone, but the difference here is the expectations of modern society, Isis and the like aren't what we think they are as told by waleed Aly an Australian Muslim, on a show called the project look it up it's truly inspirational
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry but comparing Islam now to Christianity then is ridiculous.
You know, you should never get your sources from thedailymail.
· 9 years ago
Can't *wait* for the guest (oh dear god I agree with the cartoon so much but I feel like the incredibly stupid Christians, not all nor even a large amount, will comment saying that the comic isn't true when in fact it is 100% true. I say as an atheist, that while i disagree with the ideology and the text, i don't think the few extremist should represent the group. *radical lefty talk* i know, but seriously, stop lumping in muslims with isis. especially before you know the sunni/shia/kurds divide, and the fact that muslims are just christans with a different title and a few more holy books. they believe in jesus -despite what many believe- AND Mohammad, not just mohammad. So take a moment to learn a thing or two about a certain group before you start generalizing.)
So firstly I would like to say don't worry about your spelling, I'm only a part-time grammar nazi, secondly you present a largely valid opinion, the fact that people are discriminating Muslims, Islamic and Arabic(yes Arabians do face similar problems) is extremely mis-representive of what's expected in our society. What's also extremely disturbing is that this is shown commonly among governments banning religious headdress, and the that these peoples lives are ruined horribly by these mis-guided assholes is terrible. So please continue to express your opinions they (personally) are extremely valid and I believe I speak for all of us hear at funsubstance, thank you.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but did you just call Christians incredibly stupid or am I reading that wrong?
· 9 years ago
Sorry it was difficult for me to properly find the words I wanted to say there at the time, so let me elaborate:
There are Christians
Then a small percentage are the stupid christans I was talking about that do stuff like (not joking this actually happened) throw feces at a Muslim mosk (sorry if that's spelled wrong) in Texas in responds to the Paris attack. Because obviously they were responsible for it. And other things like that. Most Christans are good people. And a lot are highly intelligent. Sorry if I misspoke, but that's what i meant. I was referring to the minority
how wise is this pic...seems legit...the difference is that the world knew how the KKK and Nazi criminals were both before and after the crimes they committed, while still appearing stupid people to justify the crimes committed by ISIS and blaming religions...
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)" (Translation is from the Noble Quran) The verse prior to this (190) refers to "fighting for the cause of Allah those who fight you" leading some to believe that the entire passage refers to a defensive war in which Muslims are defending their homes and families. The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare.
thank you for saying this. some poeple like to say "christians are just as bad as muslims" which is entirely wrong, yes the old testament does have some bad rules and crap but christians generally don't even follow those rules anymore, but muslims still take into account all the rules presented to them in the quran
where almost nothing happens in the U.S., and the most happens in countries like Iraq. Yes, I understand the point of the comic, but one should step back and think before blindly agreeing with something like this. feel free to downvote me, i'm just another internet guy's opinion
This was a jumble of statistics and what not but the point is Christianity is just as violent and messed as Islam is. It was just that it happened a while ago so people have forgotten. The most violent years seem to be when religions are 1400 years old so i suppose you could say its the rebellious and murderous teenage years of a religion. Im gonna stop thanks for reading heres the research
There are Christians
Then a small percentage are the stupid christans I was talking about that do stuff like (not joking this actually happened) throw feces at a Muslim mosk (sorry if that's spelled wrong) in Texas in responds to the Paris attack. Because obviously they were responsible for it. And other things like that. Most Christans are good people. And a lot are highly intelligent. Sorry if I misspoke, but that's what i meant. I was referring to the minority
Your head
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it