But people don't see your back everyday. I got two scars on my forehead
· 9 years ago
I have one on my upper lip from a belt I threw at my little sister when we were kids. Ricocheted back and went straight through my lip. I've never actually had anyone say anything about it before. Maybe people don't care as much as you think they do.
Oh I know. I study what I don't know every day, I love learning. But I have a feeling that whatever you think I need to learn is something of your opinion.
Ok guys. Just before we die, we are not going to think about the beauty you had, the stretchmarks, scars or whatever, the popularity, etc, that you had. When you die you are going to think about the things you have done.
If some of you people are going to get stressed out about some stupid like stretchmarks then you have to know that no one actually cares about how you look, they care about they look themselves. They might say, oh look she has a stretchmark, but then he or she will forget about it.
Don't just stay all your life worrying about physical beauty. LIVE
Oh... I'm sorry. I know a girl that is missing an arm since she was born,and there's a girl also missing a leg in my high school.
You don't need both legs or arms to be beautiful :)
Ok, good luck finding a girl without stretch marks, or any girl at all. Even the skinny girls have it. But obviously you wouldn't know that since you've never been with one :)
If some of you people are going to get stressed out about some stupid like stretchmarks then you have to know that no one actually cares about how you look, they care about they look themselves. They might say, oh look she has a stretchmark, but then he or she will forget about it.
Don't just stay all your life worrying about physical beauty. LIVE
*wiggles toes on right foot*
*tries to wiggle toes on left foot*
You don't need both legs or arms to be beautiful :)
If you ever want to communicate,i haz skype : Koopermatt
And Hangouts: Kooper Kameki :3