Dogs fight bears, save children and adults from danger, are police officers, and military personnel. Dogs are companions that could murder your face if it wanted but chooses to lick it instead. Lays at your feet while you sleep to guard you, becomes upset when you leave and excited to see you as soon as they see you pull in the drive way.
Your cat just scratched you because you tried to pet it. Cats think they're hot shit but dogs know who they are
I've had both a cat and a dog, and they each have something that would make the, better then each other. But if you ever actually had a cat, they are loving and caring. There are also stories on cats saving their owners, not just dogs being the Hero. And what about the storyies of dogs attacking humans. Get your facts right first
Besides humans monkeys are the only other species that look in a mirror and realize they are seeing themselves. Cats and dogs think it is another animal. My dog always tries to play with her reflection and ends up kissing the mirror.
Your cat just scratched you because you tried to pet it. Cats think they're hot shit but dogs know who they are