Feel hopeful because now your body won't be working against you. They can take awhile to make a difference though so keep taking them even if you don't feel better right away. Unless you get bad side effects then talk to your doctor.
· 9 years ago
Yeah. It's small doses so the worst thing possible should be a headache :P
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
But thank you
· 9 years ago
Good. Hopefully it works well for you. I know mine have helped a lot.
Just remember every body is different. I've been on anti-depressant for about 5 years now, it took me 3 different ones to find a good one, just remmeber to listen to your body and emotions and tell your prescriber anything out of the ordinary or WORSENING THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE! Serisously then that is cause for a change, but know there are many options if the 1st doesn't work out. But hey you might luck out :)
Be happy! It's a good thing! I'm on antidepressants too and for me (I can't predict your reaction) I became a lot cheerier and more energetic. I also lost some of my word filtering ability, but it's fine. Technically I have been on one since 2nd grade, but it's for migraines and it's such a low dosage that it doesn't work as one. The other that I'm on, zoloft, was one that my mom also took a while back so I'm likely to react well to it. I've been so happy for it
My psychiatrist put it this way: if you have high blood pressure, you take blood pressure medicine, back pain, you take pain medicine, so it stands to reason that a schizophrenic, or a panic attack sufferer, or a depressed person should feel no different about taking their medicine.
Good luck and I hope it works :)
Anti depressants helped me deal with life when I didn't even want to breath anymore, after 6 months and a bunch of therapy I stopped the depressants and didn't need them again. I'm so glad I had them for that time, I don't think I would have made it through. Never be ashamed to get what you need to get you through.
Whatever you do, don't drink or do drugs while on them, and especially don't quit taking them(antidepressants) suddenly. And really really don't drink and or do drugs the same time you quit taking the AD meds suddenly. Some people might romanticize insanity; having done what I just told you, I don't .
i didn't come off them suddenly, i was weaned off them over time with my doctor's advice. But yeah don't do drugs and antidepressants, it's a bad time for all.
Good luck and I hope it works :)