Sometimes they're annoying but I just find that a lot of time when someone says it no drama comes up unless like a shitty user comes along ( anti vax or homophobic type used, you know the ones I'm talking about)
And not statutory ( depending on the ages ) cause there's dudes going to jails cause some girls got fake IDs and went to bars and there's couples who are just like 1 or 2 years apart and one is legally an adult but one complaint and they go to jail
I don't know if I necessarily agree with "no statutory rape." Because, I mean, there are tons of teachers (both male and female) who are habitually sleeping with/raping their 13 year old students. And if you ask me, that's even more fucked up than raping someone of legal age. I think the terms of capital punishment for statutory rapes should be a case-by-case basis.
I meant depending on the ages, cause of course not below like 16, but that's mainly for the people dating someone who's 18 and they're like 16/17.
And for when it's the kid tricking an adult, but all other cases I agree should be jailed for.
Why would being "politically correct" matter when it comes to a rapist? Also, I don't think political correctness has anything to do with defending someone who clearly has committed a heinous crime.
No one is suggesting that every rape is caused by revealing clothing or leading people on.
· 9 years ago
You're implying that some do happen because of clothing or leading people on, which is about as ignorant as you can get. Thanks for hitting a whole new low.
Firstly, some rapes *do* happen because of clothing or leading people on. There are obviously situations where rape could have been avoided had those not been present. That doesn't make it any less wrong to do or less of a crime, though.
Now, assuming what you meant was that I'm implying that some rape victims are responsible for their rape because of their clothing or because they led someone on, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that even the people that do think that don't think that *all* rape is caused by that.
I say that because those people wouldn't think that about the girl in the picture, making the picture stupid, because that's obviously not a factor in that instance.
It shouldn't be a factor in any instance is what I'm saying. If a person is dressed provocatively, yeah maybe they were looking to get laid that doesn't mean they wanted to be forced into it. A person could be naked making out with someone, if they suddenly decide they don't want to the other person has no right to keep things going. What exactly is leading someone on? Some people could consider polite conversation leading them on that doesn't mean they can just fuck a person. Even if they were flirting it doesn't give a person the right to force themselves on them. The picture above has every thing to do with these kinds of situations, when I was 9 I had a friend, same age, her step father raped her multiple times yet people still blamed her for it said that her laying on the floor doing homework was provocative or that her getting him a beer when he asked was her leading him on.
· 9 years ago
It's one of the very few if not only crime that people feel like they can blame the victim and that isn't right. Female victims get told it's their fault and male victims get laughed at and told that a man can't be raped. It's some fucked up shit and we need to help these victims not add insult to injury.
"It shouldn't be a factor in any instance is what I'm saying."
That's like saying having money falling out of your pockets and wearing tons of gold jewelry shouldn't be a factor in getting mugged.
"It's one of the very few if not only crime that people feel like they can blame the victim and that isn't right."
I just said that in my last post.
Except that one is an object that you are taking away from someone that they can, in the long run, live without usually and not be haunted by for years and years, and the other is someone's virtue, their confidence, their sanity, and it's something that most victims can never fully recover from. I see where you're going with in your argument, but it feels and sounds too wrong to make that analogy.
When you say "It shouldn't be a factor in any instance" are you just saying that sexual predators shouldn't factor those things in to choosing who they rape? Because other than that, I don't see how my analogy isn't an apt one. In fact you make it sound like it's more important to take steps to avoid getting raped than to take steps to avoid getting mugged.
· 9 years ago
Take steps to avoid getting raped? What exactly are those steps. Are people supposed to constantly wear hoodies and baggy sweat pants should we just have a general uniform for everyone to avoid rape are you telling me that the way a person is dressed is really that important to a rapist? I know girls who were wearing jeans and baggy t-shirts at a party and were still targeted by someone. Are people just supposed to stop being polite to strangers to avoid leading them on? When I say it shouldn't be a factor in any instance I mean when outside onlookers are presented with a rape story clothing and leading someone on shouldn't be factors in their responses. they shouldn't be things along the lines of "well what were they wearing?" Or "well they were probably flirting" because that automatically places blame on a victim who doesn't deserve more pain on top of what they went through.
"What exactly are those steps."
The aforementioned things, like clothing and no leading people on.
"are you telling me that the way a person is dressed is really that important to a rapist?"
Depending on the rapist, yes.
"Are people just supposed to stop being polite to strangers to avoid leading them on?"
Those two things are not the same.
"When I say it shouldn't be a factor in any instance I mean when outside onlookers are presented with a rape story clothing and leading someone on shouldn't be factors in their responses."
Sure, that makes sense, for the immediate response at least.
"that automatically places blame on a victim who doesn't deserve more pain on top of what they went through. "
I go back to the mugging analogy here.
· 9 years ago
You can take things out of context good for you. Good job in ignoring the actual points and picking the vaguest sentences possible to rebuttal. I gave multiple examples that prove that clothing isn't all that important to rapists, "Leading them on" is almost worse than the clothing argument because some people honestly believe polite conversation is leading them on. "They gave me a look I know they wanted me" "they smiled at me" "sure they just said have a good day but you should've heard the *way* they said it" like I said before a person could be naked making out with someone when they suddenly decide they no longer want to go through with it if the other person then decides to force them to continue that is rape. To acknowledge your analogy nobody has gone up to someone who got mugged and said "well maybe you shouldn't wear jewelry". The cops didn't tell my mom it was her fault when the radio got stolen from her car.
· 9 years ago
They don't tell the families of a murder victim that their loved one shouldn't have been in their home when that person broke in and killed them. So why do they feel like they can do that to rape victims.
"I gave multiple examples that prove that clothing isn't all that important to rapists,"
""Leading them on" is almost worse than the clothing argument because some people honestly believe polite conversation is leading them on ~ day but you should've heard the *way* they said it""
The point is to take reasonable steps. If we go back to the mugging analogy making sure you don't have money falling out of your pockets is reasonable, dressing like a hobo isn't. Obviously no matter what you might get mugged anyway. None of this is is a method of 100% prevention, whether we're talking about rape or mugging.
"like I said before a person could be naked making out with someone when they suddenly decide they no longer want to go through with it if the other person then decides to force them to continue that is rape."
No one is saying it isn't.
"To acknowledge your analogy nobody has gone up to someone who got mugged and said "well maybe you shouldn't wear jewelry"."
That's definitely something that people will suggest to people who have been mugged, assuming they wear a fair amount of jewelry, of course.
"The cops didn't tell my mom it was her fault when the radio got stolen from her car."
That's probably because she locked her car and didn't have expensive things in plain view inside.
Like I said, reasonable steps.
"They don't tell the families of a murder victim that their loved one shouldn't have been in their home when that person broke in and killed them."
No, but they mat suggest installing a security system.
"So why do they feel like they can do that to rape victims."
It's a dangerous world. If you're not being careful, there a higher chance that something bad could happen. The victim is never 100% at fault, but we shouldn't ignore carelessness.
Edited 8 years ago
· 9 years ago
I was going to give a long, thoughtful comment on your above ridiculous opinions garlog, but it's easier to call you a fucking idiot.
I Couldn't Think of a Decent Argument but I Still Wanted to Make It Known That I Disagree and Also Attempt to Not Sound Like I Have Nothing to Say: The Comment
A friend of mine committed suicide because she was raped.
And for when it's the kid tricking an adult, but all other cases I agree should be jailed for.
Just because it isn't comedy doesn't mean it doesn't qualify as fun
Now, assuming what you meant was that I'm implying that some rape victims are responsible for their rape because of their clothing or because they led someone on, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that even the people that do think that don't think that *all* rape is caused by that.
I say that because those people wouldn't think that about the girl in the picture, making the picture stupid, because that's obviously not a factor in that instance.
That's like saying having money falling out of your pockets and wearing tons of gold jewelry shouldn't be a factor in getting mugged.
"It's one of the very few if not only crime that people feel like they can blame the victim and that isn't right."
I just said that in my last post.
The aforementioned things, like clothing and no leading people on.
"are you telling me that the way a person is dressed is really that important to a rapist?"
Depending on the rapist, yes.
"Are people just supposed to stop being polite to strangers to avoid leading them on?"
Those two things are not the same.
"When I say it shouldn't be a factor in any instance I mean when outside onlookers are presented with a rape story clothing and leading someone on shouldn't be factors in their responses."
Sure, that makes sense, for the immediate response at least.
"that automatically places blame on a victim who doesn't deserve more pain on top of what they went through. "
I go back to the mugging analogy here.
""Leading them on" is almost worse than the clothing argument because some people honestly believe polite conversation is leading them on ~ day but you should've heard the *way* they said it""
The point is to take reasonable steps. If we go back to the mugging analogy making sure you don't have money falling out of your pockets is reasonable, dressing like a hobo isn't. Obviously no matter what you might get mugged anyway. None of this is is a method of 100% prevention, whether we're talking about rape or mugging.
"like I said before a person could be naked making out with someone when they suddenly decide they no longer want to go through with it if the other person then decides to force them to continue that is rape."
No one is saying it isn't.
That's definitely something that people will suggest to people who have been mugged, assuming they wear a fair amount of jewelry, of course.
"The cops didn't tell my mom it was her fault when the radio got stolen from her car."
That's probably because she locked her car and didn't have expensive things in plain view inside.
Like I said, reasonable steps.
"They don't tell the families of a murder victim that their loved one shouldn't have been in their home when that person broke in and killed them."
No, but they mat suggest installing a security system.
"So why do they feel like they can do that to rape victims."
It's a dangerous world. If you're not being careful, there a higher chance that something bad could happen. The victim is never 100% at fault, but we shouldn't ignore carelessness.
Also there's no point to a period after an ellipsis.