Never. We're not illegal immigrants anymore, seeing as we took over and are now the ruling power. If you want to shame people for how their ancestors exploited Native Americans, fine, but you can't use it as an "illegal immigration should be a-okay" argument.
I was born here. I'm native. I'm legal. That argument doesn't make sense. Like being mad at me for slavery. I didn't do it. Hell, my ancestors may not have done it. Not all white people owned slaves and not all black people were slaves.
· 9 years ago
I like your argument, Guest. Good job. (No, that was not sarcasm. You make a good point)
1. That was literally hundreds of years ago.
2. We didn't come here illegally, the natives just hadn't formed any actual nations, so there were no real laws against people coming here illegally.
3. This meme is just stupid.
· 9 years ago
Wow way to read another persons opinions and use them as an argument
2. We didn't come here illegally, the natives just hadn't formed any actual nations, so there were no real laws against people coming here illegally.
3. This meme is just stupid.