It's a scarf I didn't even see it as a slit throat until the title mentioned there's something wrong omg people stop seeing and getting offended at things that aren't there!
The human mind does have a tendency to make connections where none exist, but yeah, it's more likely that there's something wrong with them rather than the cookie. To me it just looks cute and delicious.
i dont think a single person saw it and was offended, i think someone looked at it and giggled cuz it looked like a slit throat so snapped a picture to be funny and now the internet thinks people are mad when they are just giggling
Hard to say. Remember how the cups raised such controversy, and they were just red. We are giggling now, but if some sjw idiot sees this, and there's a lot of them, they may even make this a thing.
the cups were not really a big controversy either, a big loud idiot yellled loud and a few people agreed and the rest of the internet and media picked up on it to talk about how stupid they were. i can be a pretty big sjw and im pretty sure you're not going to get anyone to take up arms over this.
(thought they stopped selling these?)