I [used to] grind my teeth and now my bottom incisors are flat. I actually used to have a weird lump on my tooth (I'm not sure what it was but I'm pretty sure it was a good thing) and I ground that off.
I actually ground one of mine off completely. And, apparently the one is for fish. That's why fish is the only live thing we can eat raw naturally. Just repeating what I read.
Not necessarily true. Meat eaters have all sharp and pointy teeth. Even mainly omnivorous creature like bears have mostly canine teeth. Human teethe greatly resemble herbivore teeth, but with a little more variety. Probably we were meant to eat vegetables and only eat a little meat or fish on occasion, during the winter when plants were scarce.
I'm a vegetarian, however I completely believe in killing and eating animals, it's the natural order of things, it's been happening since life was just single cell organisms. The reason I'm a vegetarian is that I hate how animals are being kept in farms. Pigs can barely turn around in their cages, chicken live with perpetually broken legs, etc. The killing techniques are quite humane, however their lives aren't.
"They'll never know any better!" you might say, but Plato's cave isn't a great place to live, even for the cave dwellers...
I am honestly so glad you said that how you did. You say so many vegetarians making up lies about the process of how we get our meat. They start silly arguments and called us "omnivores" animal slaughtering monsters. Good for you. Seriously. For standing up and saying what you believe without having to lie to get others attention.
I eat meat but I think what you are saying is stupid. Evolution does not do the right thing, simply what we need to survive. At some point, maybe it wasn't enough to live off plants. If evolution did do the right thing, we would not have evolved to Homo Sapiens and had the brains we do today. I mean, half the things we do on the planet are bloody wrong and not acceptable.
Most primates are folivorous or frugivorous, yet many have much larger canines than we do. They are used for displays of dominance rather than catching and eating prey. Ours could very likely be an evolutionary remnant of that.
Side note: I am not a vegetarian and I love meat, I just want people to be informed.
And it's deeply unfortunate for people who grind their teeth.
@tylerchu....yes it is....bruxism sucks
"They'll never know any better!" you might say, but Plato's cave isn't a great place to live, even for the cave dwellers...
Side note: I am not a vegetarian and I love meat, I just want people to be informed.