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· 9 years ago
Meh...I'd enter
· 9 years ago
I'm all for this as a single bathroom, but I don't think they should do coed stalled ones cause y'all know some people ( mostly guys ) are gonna go up over or under and take pictures or videos and shit
· 9 years ago
I had bathrooms in my high school for everyone to use regardless of gender. The doors were ACTUAL doors not stalls. In a actual small room instead of cheap ass stalls. There was also only 3 walls in this bathroom so it was open concept. Sinks on one side bathrooms on the other. This was 20 plus years ago. So unisex bathrooms are nothing new.
· 9 years ago
I feel like this is a fad. I'm not saying that you can't be born in the wrong gender, but I fail to believe it's as common as everyone from here to tumblr make it out to be. Kind of like when it was popular to be a "psycho" or bi polar. Which makes it all the more insulting to people who are actually afflicted by these things. We should really stop romanticizing mental and emotional conditions like this. It's not cool, it's a serious thing that these people are forced to deal with.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
* whispers * remember when it was cool for girls to be bi and makeout with other bi girls so guys would like them ? But then when a girl asked them out they would be grossed out ?Your comment made me think of that
· 9 years ago
There *is* a fad of people claiming to be trans without thinking about it, but that doesn't make this bathroom any less helpful for the people who are trans. There's also the factor of it helping anyone whose assigned bathroom is full and they need to go. Or for those of us who are comfortable using the bathroom with other women but not with the people who feel the bathroom is an appropriate venue for a five-minute conversation, which I do not understand.
· 9 years ago
Fair point, Idk why people choose to hang out in bathrooms and I never will