Well in Harry Potter prisoner of Azkaban, Harry is saved from the dementors and then when he goes back in time he realizes that it was him that saved himself from the dementors and that he could do it again because he had already done it. Seems kind of like the same situation here. They go back in time to see (why) the titanic sank when they are the reason it sank to begin with and it will still sink because of their presence because it already had...
That causes an profound time paradox.
The event was not supposed to happen, so why would the time travellers travel?
The time travellers travel, thus causing the sinking and creating the purpose for them to be there, but at the cost of their own lives. In turn, the Titanic should never sink because the time travellers died before they were born, but that eliminates them being there.
Actually if you die before you're born you can still ... be born in the future, nothing changed about their parents/grandparents/down you go, unless they were in the Titanic
Maybe because we can clearly identify the points on the ship where the iceberg broke the hull? And because survivors said nothing about a random group of odd-looking people showing up?
Ya'll are talking about paradox's and shit (I'm all for a good paradox believe me) but what about the physics... A ship floats because it mostly contains a substance that is less dense than water, air. To make a ship sink with out breaching the hull you need to replace most of the air with something more dense than water, in this case time travelers. You'd need a shit ton of people to take up the space and even if say you filled up the boat with as many people as physically it'd probably just cause the boat to sit lower in the water rather than actually sinking it.
· 9 years ago
Very good UNLESS there were a shit ton of people and one half arrived on the front and one half on the back of the ship and snapped it. Just a little hole in your theory
The event was not supposed to happen, so why would the time travellers travel?
The time travellers travel, thus causing the sinking and creating the purpose for them to be there, but at the cost of their own lives. In turn, the Titanic should never sink because the time travellers died before they were born, but that eliminates them being there.