but you gotta love those hypocritical, double-standard-ed guys, right? two guys making out is gross, let's beat them and throw them out of a club. two girls, however, oh my, that's a show, the sole thought gives me a boner so i guess it isn't wrong or cheating or even real, it's entertainment.
it will never cease to amaze me how can a human being have their head shoved so far up their own rectum.
which one of us did, guest or me? because i'm app 100,2% certain i did not miss any points. the point is in equality, right? two girls having sex, two boys having sex, a girl and a boy having sex, it's all cheating, right? it's all the same. it's all sex. except it's not viewed as the same, is it, now?
that's a rhetorical question. i'm out. there's been enough problematic shit going on around me these days.
You kind of missed the point as they are not really talking about equality as such. If a straight girl who is in a relationship, has a thing with another girl, is that cheating? I agree, there is a double standard there, but I don't consider that cheating.
· 9 years ago
So if your gf fucks someone else, it doesn't count because of her orientation? Bullshit. Everyone is at liberty to make their own relationship rules but cheating seems to be pretty obvious - don't fuck someone other than your partner.
i did say i'm out but funsub notice system apparently disagrees and since i'm here... what in the honest shit are you saying, theonewhoshallnotb ? please check the dictionary before publicly displaying opinions. look under the letter c, for cheating.
and for god's sake, please stop fucking saying i missed the point because i most certainly did not. what in the fuck is this, other than an equality issue if you consider heterosexual sex cheating and lesbian sex not cheating ?? sex equals sex, you refuse to see that, ti's an equality issue.
and what sort of a fucking poor argument is 'they are not really talking about equality as such'? do they have to use the word 'equality' for me to be allowed to adress that issue?
are you fucking joking, mate?
The post has nothing to do with equality for one, it's not even mentioned anywhere
· 9 years ago
The question in the post is basically "if my girlfriend makes out with a chick is it cheating." The only reason to not be sure is if, for some reason, you like the idea. Some of us have experienced this question more often than not posed by heterosexual bros who think girls making out is hot but would probably punch the shit out of two dudes making out. This experience makes some of us assume that the person asking this in the first place is a douchenugget of the sort who thinks of homosexuality as being okay only as far as it gets them off. If you have NOT experienced the DoucheBro so many times in your life that you automatically make this leap, I'm so, so happy for you. But I can see how lindsmolinari got that from it.
· 9 years ago
It doesn't have to be mentioned! Its pointing out the hypocrisy of saying it's not cheating if it's same-sex sex (specifically girl on girl), when any sex is cheating if it's not with your partner. Hence the comparison of getting punched in the face with the other hand.
yo, @deleted & @envius, let me thank you and give you cookies because i'm so fucking happy i'm not the only person who recognizes rotten douchebro logic (@envius, you've worded your comment so beautifully, i'm laughing here, A+ shit mate) :D
@smbadat, i need your help, please give me some contact i can reach you at 24/7 so i can, from now on, check with you every time i want to discuss things that aren't specifically spelled out in a particular post. please hurry because there's this post about beef and i'm not sure if i'm allowed to mention cows in my comment since the word 'cow' isn't specifically written in the original post. there is a picture of a cow tho, do you think that counts? probably not, right?
Merry Christmas!
no. but a nice white lexus passed by the freeway bridge and i sed to my self waw. thats a sexy white Lexus. mmmm im gonna get rid of my subaru and consider that L
it will never cease to amaze me how can a human being have their head shoved so far up their own rectum.
that's a rhetorical question. i'm out. there's been enough problematic shit going on around me these days.
and for god's sake, please stop fucking saying i missed the point because i most certainly did not. what in the fuck is this, other than an equality issue if you consider heterosexual sex cheating and lesbian sex not cheating ?? sex equals sex, you refuse to see that, ti's an equality issue.
and what sort of a fucking poor argument is 'they are not really talking about equality as such'? do they have to use the word 'equality' for me to be allowed to adress that issue?
are you fucking joking, mate?
@smbadat, i need your help, please give me some contact i can reach you at 24/7 so i can, from now on, check with you every time i want to discuss things that aren't specifically spelled out in a particular post. please hurry because there's this post about beef and i'm not sure if i'm allowed to mention cows in my comment since the word 'cow' isn't specifically written in the original post. there is a picture of a cow tho, do you think that counts? probably not, right?
Merry Christmas!