How come I keep seeing stuff like this made by people who have never even opened a Bible? At least watch a veggie tales episode before you go claiming you know what God wants, sheesh.
for real though. Of course we're not supposed to hate on gay people but that doesn't mean that God wants people to be gay. It's still wrong, but we still love them because they're people too. Also God doesn't change his mind about things.
Okay. I can accept that you don't believe homosexuality fits with God's will. The problem is that I see too many people giving lip service to "we need to love them" and still treating them as if that makes gay people inferior human beings, i.e., trying to deny them the legal benefits associated with marriage, etc.
You realize how many people preach every word of the bible but have also never opened one ever? Do you know how many times that book has been rewritten just to please someone's beliefs? I wouldn't take anything it says with a grain of salt.
Weirdly enough, the translation currently recognized as the most literally accurate (even if it does require a bit of historical savvy to understand sometimes) is the KJV. Added bonus: grow up reading the KJV and you will be the only one in your honors lit class capable of reading the Canterbury Tales without a translation aid.
I am bothered when people say it is just society or religion saying it should be boy and girl. Science too. Theres female and male everything in order to reproduce and basic principle in nature is survival of species except from some exceptions that there are asexual beings or both male and female in one..... i am ok with gay people being gay but a lot of people forget biology....
There are multiple species around the world, such as goats, lions, and hyenas, which exhibit homosexual behavior in the wild. It can confer important social benefits on the population as a whole, especially in larger populations.
Yes that is why i mentioned exceptions but in general... it is not crazy to say that in nature heterosexuality is generally "the norm". I am just saying it is observed in nature too not only pushed by society or religion. But that's none of my bussinees in my book people can be whatever as long as they are nice! I'll be nice. Lol @ thatoneguy
Yeah live and let live. Just saying i don't thunk it is out of evil that at beginings of time peooke assume it should be man and women since ut was shown in nature too. Now it is more accepted as it should. I was in a situation that made me realize how people whi can't show their affection like others do must feel.. love and let love
My thing is that I'm a Christian and I really hate how some Christians hate on gay people so much! It makes me so mad that everybody can't just accept people, God all made us anyways. The bible literally says to love everybody and treat them as you would want to be treated! That includes gay and lesbian and transgender people to! I might not believe being gay is right but I'm not gonna treat anyone gay differently than other people. You shouldn't be mean or hate or treat anybody gay different than you would treat a straight person just because you don't agree with their life style. Goodness people, it's the same thing with Muslim people, or people of different races or beliefs that get hated on. Dont hate or push people away that are different! God still loves all people no matter what race, gender, or belief they have...
You see the bible tells not to hate ok, so If you hate on gays you are sinning yourself, BUT, God mad man to be with a women, so saying that God made a person not to be the way he intended means God is not perfect, and he is sooooooo, this is why I'm pretty sure God didn't make people Gay or homosexual or whatever you want to call it, but that still doesn't mean you should hate Gay people or anyone in general
This is twisting christianity. Proclaiming that God wants that and this. Bible is the Word of God. God is righteous and loving - but what this post says is just twisting and saying half-truths about it all. People just want to live as they please and so they make the rules for themselves. This is wrong
alrighty here we go, so to start off with the whole don't it this, and don't eat that was for the Israelites. why? Because God promised them they would have good health and you can't be healthy by eating everything you want, so God gave them guidelines to follow. Now, it is your choice to follow it or not so technically you don't have to.
On the shellfish thing, I'm pretty sure that's in the OLD testament Jesus said that we were free from many of the old testements rules. That's the Jewish religion and that's why we have something called kosher
The first permanent colony in North America was started for Christianity (arguably, St. Augustine's). Plymouth Rock was founded for a very specific branch of Christianity that rejected the social entanglements of the British culture of the day. The next colony founded in the same area was founded for largely the same reasons. The two did not get along.
The United States of America, however, was founded largely because of predatory economic practices from the European nations claiming sovereignty over the area and because we'd had a few too many wars run over our heads recently and were sick of not being legally able to produce our own goods and being charged a premium for imports.
I'm English you guys... And America was founded ages ago anyway, when damn near everyone was Christian. It's not the same now. It's really annoying that people get civil rights taken from them because of some god that doesn't exist (and I will get more shit for saying that than homophobic bible thumpers will for being anti gay.)
Half these people just twist the bible to suit them as well. If America is gonna be Christian, then why doesn't it ban shellfish? Bible says you can't eat those.
No, seriously, shellfish is said clean in the New Testament, and therefore no shellfish is not apart of our religion. And please: explain our existence if my Lord and Savior is not real, because I'm not buying any of this garbage of the universe exploding from absolutely nothing
Yeah shellfish is in the OT, just like that 'anti-gay' passage. Why should everyone else get Christianity shoved down their throats? Ok sure you don't have to believe in the Big Bang, but no one says "EVERYONE has to do this because of the Big Bang!"
In addition, guest's argument is extremely flawed. "The Big Bang doesn't exist therefore my Lord and saviour must". Dude there's not only two options. In addition, there is a lot of evidence to support the Big Bang, such as CMBR, observations about stars, etc.
Before anyone pulls 'something can't come from nothing according to physics', well physics is more complicated than we know. There are different systems of physics for super small, normal sized, and gigantic objects. Light is simultaneously a particle and a wave.
I never got how people think God is more plausible than the Big Bang. A magic godlike creature who thinks up all this stuff is much less plausible than basic matter exploding out from a point.
(This is the part addressed primarily to the other Christians in the room) OK, so. Shellfish is clean in the New Testament, and the thing we all point to in regards to that is the Acts 10:15 business with the sheet and the unclean animals and whatnot: "And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common." The thing is here that our traditional use of the passage is to interpret it metaphorically, as Paul did, meaning that he was to go to the non-Jewish population, traditionally also considered "unclean," and spread the message of Jesus' love. How, though, do we know that God did not mean this in a broader sense than Paul took it, not just Gentiles, but other "unclean" practices too? Yes, Paul continues to preach against homosexuals, but then, Paul is perfectly fallible. He ain't Jesus. And while he did a lot for the church, it's very unlikely that literally every word out of his mouth is divinely inspired.
(And this is the general-audience part) We don't understand physics/science. The beauty of science in general is that we will probably never completely understand it. Each generation's new discoveries eventually become the next generation's Newtonian Physics: These laws apply only in a specific subset of conditions in reality, and when we discovered them, we barely even realized that conditions outside those boundaries exist. God willing, we will never, ever run out of things to discover - and that's good, because the instant we run out of progress we begin to stagnate.
· 9 years ago
I don't want to be that PC guy but absolute truth doesn't change in the bible, that being said: you can love someone who struggles/lives in sin. You can't hold a non-Christian to a Christian standard. A lot of people so profoundly against gay marriage don't understand the love part of the bible which really poorly represents us as a religion.
The United States of America, however, was founded largely because of predatory economic practices from the European nations claiming sovereignty over the area and because we'd had a few too many wars run over our heads recently and were sick of not being legally able to produce our own goods and being charged a premium for imports.
Half these people just twist the bible to suit them as well. If America is gonna be Christian, then why doesn't it ban shellfish? Bible says you can't eat those.
Before anyone pulls 'something can't come from nothing according to physics', well physics is more complicated than we know. There are different systems of physics for super small, normal sized, and gigantic objects. Light is simultaneously a particle and a wave.
I never got how people think God is more plausible than the Big Bang. A magic godlike creature who thinks up all this stuff is much less plausible than basic matter exploding out from a point.