You don't have to use the method they teach you. You can use an alternative method, as long as it is mathematically correct and relates to the area of maths which you are currently working on.
It's there to make sure kids don't jut guess and to make sure they study
Yeah, sometimes they yell you to use one in particular.
I think marking 1 question with the method for 8 points is better than marking 8 questions with answer only for 1 point each.
It feels more accurate
Oh ok yeah that's better than what I was thinking you meant. We have test like that too, where they'll just test one specific way to do it to make sure you understand.
At my school we get 1 point for the answer and 2-7+ points for the method (depending on how long the question is)
It's there to make sure kids don't jut guess and to make sure they study
I think marking 1 question with the method for 8 points is better than marking 8 questions with answer only for 1 point each.
It feels more accurate