Lmao! Trust me, being a douche gets you laid sadly... being nice is something you do out of moral standards and often brings more challenges, pain, and hardship to endure... and you live with it having no expectations about anything in return. If you don't know this you have either never met a truly nice human, or you aren't one.
Nice guys are almost always nice because of just that... they are nice.
Freindzoners are creepers who put on a facade of nice just to get in your pants so they can get their dick wet... Then they complain about it when they can't.
All men think about sex all the time. But that doesn't mean they do nice things with the intention of getting laid. Many of us do nice things because it's the right thing to do, damn it.
Lmao before you get butt hurt it's referring to "nice guys" not nice guys. Those guys that complain about how girls oNLY go to douches and because they treat a girl like a human being ought to be treated they think the girl owes them. A real nice guy is just nice because it's the right thing to do. So don't get butt hurt.
Freindzoners are creepers who put on a facade of nice just to get in your pants so they can get their dick wet... Then they complain about it when they can't.
Fortune cookies and bottle caps don't count.