No one thinks Jk Rowling ran around killing people and dividing her soul up into objects. So why assume if I write about a demon as the bad guy, I whorship the devil? I showed a book I'm writing to someone and they actually asked if I did. I told them "No you fucking idiot that is the bad guy. The good guys are fighting them. Do you whorship the Devil cause I assume only someone that would assume I do from this must be." Well that shut them up.
I think it's more about like, when people have a character whos a rapist and they're like " are you saying it's okay ? " just because they wrote about it
If we wrote only about things we were okay with the books we read would be so boring
Oh my god yes. I'm in the (agonizingly slow) process of writing a story with a character who has a pretty fucked up life, but that doesn't mean I think the fucked up things are okay.
· 9 years ago
Yea. My main character is a mass murderer, and while SHE is okay with being insane, I don't exactly approve of her actions
I don't think that authors support the actions of their villains. Sometimes they don't even support the actions of their heros. BUT sometimes an author writes a scene in such detail and with certain words that make we think they reveled in the writing of it and it turns my stomach a bit.
I enjoy writing the massacre scenes, they make me sick but there is certain traits it brings out in my main character that are fun especially the way her speach pattern changes a bit. My best writing also tends to be there which is probably why I enjoy writing those parts because they actually sound/read nicely, minus I just basically killed at least ten people
I find when you're building characters that could actually exist in this world, thinking like them and accepting the way they think without judgement, is the best way to give your character a life of their own without FORCING the audience to think about them the way you do. I was writing a book about a child molester and I was molested as a child so to me, they are the lowest of the low, but because my character didn't view his actions as wrong, neither did I, and that helped create a point of view that actually made me forgive my rapist...
If we wrote only about things we were okay with the books we read would be so boring