"A person rubbing his eyes could mean he does not want to see something, or simply has poor eyesight. It could also be a gesture that indicates deceit".. Or, you know, they could have an itchy eye, that happens
"Display of thumbs indicates a self-assured or superior attitude" - or that they can't fit their whole hand in their pockets. Just a thought. I always found people who keep just their thumbs in more superior acting.
I like sitting like the cocky bastard regardless of who it offends
· 9 years ago
Men who sit like a cocky bastards is sometimes attractive, I don't know why ffs
· 9 years ago
I disagree with everyone. I cross my arms because it's the only comfortable position for my right arm. When I hug my kids I pat their back for comfort, not because I want to end the hug. Etc, etc, etc.
I have fatass legs and it's uncomfortable as fuck to sit with them the other way
I cross my legs as many times as humanly possible, and i'm not shy or dainty or any of that shit. Jesus.