parents: you should get over your anxiety issues. here go see this therapist
me: ookkkkaaayyy
me: *comes back having made slight progress*
parents: *proceeds to laugh at my progress*
me: why the fuck do i even try
Not really. I do graphic design for school but that requires being near my family. Mainly it's just me in my room with headphones in listening to music
If a 3rd grader goes around talking about having a boyfriend and getting married, she will get laughs.
Seriously though, maybe you need to ask her why she thinks it's funny.
It's a (slightly) dark shade of pink so I doubt that it's too grown up for me. But I'll take your advice and tell her I'm serious,hopefully that'll help.
Hey my mom did the same thing when I started to wear it, I just started wearing it more and more and eventually she gave up on trying to make fun of me. Just do you girl, you're gorgeous no matter what. ^ - ^
me: ookkkkaaayyy
me: *comes back having made slight progress*
parents: *proceeds to laugh at my progress*
me: why the fuck do i even try
Seriously though, maybe you need to ask her why she thinks it's funny.
It could be a shade that's too grown up for you. Trust me, there is such a thing.
Me: *finds it*
Mom: Not that. That's dumb. Find something else.