I never said you do. I suppose my comment was a bit vague. I meant that a lot of crazy people will LOSE THEIR SHIT if a trans person is criticized.
· 9 years ago
Thank you. Now excuse me while I dont give a shit about whether or not a person is anything as long as they're a good person. "Dont judge a person based on how they treat themselves; Judge them based on how they treat others."
I dont think I came up with that but I dont know who did.
They never attacked you, they made a joke about "trans, women, non-binary people, and/or SJWs" and how you cannot criticize them in today's culture.
· 9 years ago
I thought you were mgoviea for a sec
· 9 years ago
So what? I was just supposed to shut up and let someone generalize about a group that includes me, and also I'd be defending the groups mentioned (besides the SJW's which I have my own issues with) either way. If they had said "according to SJW's" I'd have no issue.
Girl.I never generalized anyone. "Trans people" does not mean ALL trans people.
· 9 years ago
Rwby I want you to read that out loud... And think what most people would interpret it as... If that's not what you meant, okay. But it didn't seem, at least to me.
What was there to defend against? This "generalization" was rwby simply saying you can't criticize those groups of people. Which, as demonstrated in the above comment thread. you can't.
I don't care how people interpret my words. I am only responsible for what I say,NOT how people interpret it.
· 9 years ago
1) I criticize trans people on a regular bases (namely Caitlin Jenner)
2) I was defending against generalizations. Sorry I dont like those FOR ANY GROUP.
that_gamer_girl, I rarely participate in arguments on here, but you really need to stop.
it was a harmless joke that wasn't hurting anyone, and you simply chose to get offended.
no one was being attacked or generalized, therefore no one needs to be defended.
I feel free to criticize anyone I feel deserves criticism, though I usually do not do it lightly. Until the day the brown shirts kick in my door (and find out how just many guns I own), I do not fear offending the easily offended. I love everyone equally, until someone just has to be a little bitch.
Nazi stormtroopers. A reference to government thugs when we finally lose our freedoms and America becomes a police state. Specifically I meant the PC police.
This meme is proof for how important time and place are to evaluate the sense a quote makes. In Voltaire's time, criticizing the wrong type of person could end you up in jail or being executed, pretty much everywhere. In todays western countries you can criticize "trans people,women,non-binary people,and/or SJW's" all you like, and the worst thing to happen normally is, you get criticized yourself. You don't get locked up or killed for that, do you? In totalitarian countries today you might get imprisoned or made disappear for criticizing the leaders, but ironically even there criticizing "trans people,women,non-binary people,and/or SJW's" would not only be totally ok, but actually a guy like Putin (whose critics - double irony here - have a tendency to end up in a Gulag or just disappear) would upvote narrow-minded postings criticizing "trans people,women, non-binary people,and/or SJW's" any time of the day. Funny, innit?
Just give it some time; such criticisms WILL land you in jail if the direction of this country does not change. Already the attorney general of the US has threatened to investigate anyone who criticizes Muslims, and the Democrats in Congress have tried to bring a bill that would jail anyone who did not agree with global warming.
There is something terribly wrong with you. Either you really believe what you wrote there, then you're at best delusional. Or you make shit like this up, then you're just a troll. I really hope for you its the latter. You're aware there is kind of a difference between criticizing and threatening someone, right? And this shit about jailing climate change critics is something not even The Trump would make up. So you're probably a delusional troll. Now its your part to start the whining about name calling and so on. How old are you by the way?
Again with the insults? You really do not have a single fact on your side do you? Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States made a very clear threat to those who would criticize Muslims on December 3rd 2015. This from the daily wire, Dec 4, 2015:
"Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocates' 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her "greatest fear" is the "incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric" in America and vowed to prosecute any guilty of what she deemed violence-inspiring speech."
What SHE deamed to be "violence-inspiring". That sort of open threat should scare the hell out of everyone in this nation. We are being judged on our speech, and there are those in power who wish to silence dissent.
As for your ignorant assertion that no one wants to jail those who disagree with global warming?
Here's some more "trolling" for you, since you say I make this shit up:
In a Rolling Stone interview Secretary of State John Kerry said that he looks forward to the time he would be able to seize Exxon's assets because they have denied the religion of climate change. The Senate has also actually voted to abolish the right of free speech for those who do not agree with global warming (of course this was a small contingent of Democrats who were voted down, for now). If I'm delusional, as you say, I'm pretty damn good at convincing others to go along with me, because I can produce FACTS, not insults.
The Att General can try to prosecute what she thinks is illegal, but in the end an independent court of law will decide. How is that a threat? Same with Kerry and Exxon, it's going to take more than a persons opinion to seize companies assets. Its not about denials, its about fraud and corruption. No crime - no punishment. Do you know how the legal system works in a civilized country? I am not so sure.
What you call facts is some moron's interpretation of something he got terribly wrong. At best. Most of your "facts" are people willingly taking things out of context, compare apples with pears or just produce lies. I am not astonished you can convince people, cause there's a lot of really stupid people around. What does that prove?
@funsub is obviously lost but for those that aren't, the regime that appointed Lynch and Kerry have also appointed many of the judges that would hear such a case. Also, these people are not stupid enough to simply arrest people they don't like and hope a judge agrees with them. They will find a way to pass a law or executive action and then go bananas. This user seems to be protesting a little too much. Perhaps he is a member of the administration?
There is nothing democratic about silencing your opposition. I am not some tinfoil hat wearing, Illuminati fearing, deep web crawling conspiracy theorist, but when people who believe they can control what everyone else has a right to think and say are so open about what their desires are, common sense and self preservation dictate that you take them seriously.
"Silencing your opposition" - you are the very blueprint of a "tinfoil hat wearing, Illuminati fearing, deep web crawling conspiracy" nut. <-- You don't actually have what it takes to be a theorist, looking at the stupid crap sites you mistake for a source, where you find your "arguments".
Oh, and people who really live in an oppressed country will probably find the likes of you a lot less funny than someone living in an actual democracy.
Such crazy. Much wow. You're putting your insecurities in my mouth here. In psychology we call this transference. Maybe your momma refused to let you suckle when you were an infant and you are now emotionally scarred?
Oh and by the way, my arduous research has proven that Tupperware works much better as a hat than tinfoil. But you have to use a goatskin leather chin strap. It seems to ground the antenna properties of the Tupperware, thereby effectively blocking the mind manipulating transmissions, or at least reducing them to just a little tingle.
Doge, in 2016? And this "In psychology we call this transference" - "WE"? Just when I thought, you couldn't possibly outdo your own pathetic self - there you go.
But as I said: this on-purpose shtick doesn't cut it. Just let flow what nature gave you.
Yes "we in psychology." Which one of those big words is confusing you? And "what nature gave me" would make a porn star feel quite inferior, my friend.
I'm not confused, but rather amused. Someone taking a couple week lecture (if at all) practically calling himself a psychologist, that's just grand. Hope at least your schlong makes your mother proud.
I've had slightly more than a couple of weeks, but upon reviewing my post I do not see where I claimed to have my PhD yet. As for my schlong: your mother has never complained.
I didn't say you claimed anything, by saying "practically" I meant your "we" implied it. You did not exactly state you were a college student in your first semester. And still it was that obvious, funny, huh?
Your last comment made you a necrophiliac btw.
If you had any idea of psychology, you would have put up or just shut up, so it rather looks like you're the faculty janitor. Bad for you this is causing you self-esteem problems. It shouldn't.
You know, I initially thought you were just an ass and it might be fun to see if you could muster an intelligent conversation, but you really are some sort of "special", aren't you?
Uh, brilliant, taking a swing with the "you're probably retarded" axe. Mercy, that's really getting under my skin, even deeper than this you doing my mother stuff. Man, you're like the Chuck Norris of internet insults. Or was it Will Ferrell?
Never said you are retarded. The mentally challenged I have worked with are much easier to reach than you. I am not stooping to insults, I truly fear you may have a mental defect.
So let me wrap this up… you're a moderately advanced college student of psychology and have worked with "mentally challenged". In your home (which is definitely not your moms basement) you're hoarding guns, at least partly because from sites like dailycaller and nationalreview you've learned that the federal government may be about to arrest you for not believing in climate change and other goody two shoes fairytales. Oh, and you have a giant penis which impressed my dead mother when you had intercourse with her, while she was dead. Well, tip o' the hat to a true winner. You cunt make up shit like that.
Sure. Sounds about right, from a "special" point of view. Don't worry, you've gotta hit puberty sooner or later. And you can't wrap it up yet; @calmtgelivelytits just got popcorn!
About what I expected.
"I've had slightly more than a couple of weeks," - "far from my first semester" - "The mentally challenged I have worked with…"
"Until the day the brown shirts kick in my door (and find out how just many guns I own)," - "Nazi stormtroopers. A reference to government thugs when we finally lose our freedoms and America becomes a police state" - "such criticisms WILL land you in jail if the direction of this country does not change" - "Democrats in Congress have tried to bring a bill that would jail anyone who did not agree with global warming." [Your "sources": dailycaller and nationalreview]
Lets drop the penis thing and my mother. As you said, its all in this thread in plain english. So, where am I wrong?
Oh, and then: your profile pic. Your profile motto. Your postings here: http://funsubstance.com/fun/308677/the-deadliest-knife/ and so many other violence/weapon relatred posting - and you tell ME I may have a mental defect? That makes me feel very, very sane indeed.
I went to the restroom before class a little while ago. Turns out my fly wasn't as far down as I thought and I pissed on my foot. That's how my day is going.
If anything, you should be embarrassed, At least if you're any older than 15. If not, your parents should be pretty concerned, about the gun and stabbing shit.
2,why the question marks?
I dont think I came up with that but I dont know who did.
2) I was defending against generalizations. Sorry I dont like those FOR ANY GROUP.
it was a harmless joke that wasn't hurting anyone, and you simply chose to get offended.
no one was being attacked or generalized, therefore no one needs to be defended.
"Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocates' 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her "greatest fear" is the "incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric" in America and vowed to prosecute any guilty of what she deemed violence-inspiring speech."
What SHE deamed to be "violence-inspiring". That sort of open threat should scare the hell out of everyone in this nation. We are being judged on our speech, and there are those in power who wish to silence dissent.
As for your ignorant assertion that no one wants to jail those who disagree with global warming?
In a Rolling Stone interview Secretary of State John Kerry said that he looks forward to the time he would be able to seize Exxon's assets because they have denied the religion of climate change. The Senate has also actually voted to abolish the right of free speech for those who do not agree with global warming (of course this was a small contingent of Democrats who were voted down, for now). If I'm delusional, as you say, I'm pretty damn good at convincing others to go along with me, because I can produce FACTS, not insults.
What you call facts is some moron's interpretation of something he got terribly wrong. At best. Most of your "facts" are people willingly taking things out of context, compare apples with pears or just produce lies. I am not astonished you can convince people, cause there's a lot of really stupid people around. What does that prove?
Oh, and people who really live in an oppressed country will probably find the likes of you a lot less funny than someone living in an actual democracy.
But as I said: this on-purpose shtick doesn't cut it. Just let flow what nature gave you.
Your last comment made you a necrophiliac btw.
*sits down*
*gets a sprite*
"I've had slightly more than a couple of weeks," - "far from my first semester" - "The mentally challenged I have worked with…"
"Until the day the brown shirts kick in my door (and find out how just many guns I own)," - "Nazi stormtroopers. A reference to government thugs when we finally lose our freedoms and America becomes a police state" - "such criticisms WILL land you in jail if the direction of this country does not change" - "Democrats in Congress have tried to bring a bill that would jail anyone who did not agree with global warming." [Your "sources": dailycaller and nationalreview]
Lets drop the penis thing and my mother. As you said, its all in this thread in plain english. So, where am I wrong?
This is gettin good