Most of these people are on such a high level of PC that they believe trump is Satan and anyone that defends him is an evil shit lord
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I just like poking fun at people
· 9 years ago
Okay, 1st If you think i would have a different opinion if this guy threw tomatoes at any candidate as racist as trump, you are wrong. 2nd Who says I'm a liberal? 3rd Well yeah I do think anyone who defends trump is sorta being... an ass? He contradicts himself, never provides proof of his statements, he once used a picture from a neonazi twitter page to justify his statements saying they were not racist. And if you think I get my news from all those shitty news channels like CNN you're wrong.
Dude he's not racist what the hell are you talking about? People just twist his words around to push their own agenda. If you watch his speeches he says nothing racist
· 9 years ago
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. … When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.-Donald Trump
· 9 years ago
I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and Ill build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. -Donald Trump
· 9 years ago
Our great African-American President hasnt exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore. -Donald Trump
· 9 years ago
Laziness is a trait in the blacks. ... Black guys counting my money! I hate it.-Donald Trump
· 9 years ago
The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yamakas every day.-Donald Trump
· 9 years ago
Do you need more proof?
· 9 years ago
*squirming uncontrollably*
*foaming from mouth from all this damn stupid*
· 9 years ago
Cool story bro, look all those quotes up. All quotes with proof that he said them
Only two of those are somewhat offensive. When he's talking about Mexico he was talking about the illegal immigrants. Unless you feel like we shouldn't hurt the illegals feelings he's not a bad guy. He just talks about the topics that no one else wants to because he's not afraid to.
The quote about blacks and the quote about Jews aren't direct quotes, there things one of his former employees claims he said, as written in a tell-all book.
· 9 years ago
"He's talking about the illegals" actually, no he isn't. Don't believe me? Don't have to. Sinply look at his speeches , he says mexicans, mexico. Not illegals. He says he wants to tighten immagration. Which is a good thing if you want nearly all of your investors to pull out. He wants to loosen gun control, which is also a smart move if you're planning on killing oeople. His singling out of muslims is bad enough. He thinks muslims are a race of people not a religion, look at the way he refers to iran and other middle eastern countries. Trump says thing no politician says? Bullshit, Obama's been talking about this shit for years, the only reason Trump is said to "say things no other politician would say" is because every other politician seems to have common sense.
LMAO this kid can't be serious. Dude look at Germany. They let in Muslim refugees by the millions and on New Years they had about 100 German women say they were raped by refugees. It happens over there a lot. Also ISIS. We need to figure out how the hell we're gonna deal with them, but first we need to do something to help prevent them from coming here. Is it really so bad that we want to know who the fuck is coming into our country??? It is OUR country after all. Also with Mexico, it only makes sense to not want illegals coming in by the hundreds.
· 9 years ago
AM I SAYING LET THEM FLOOD IN LIKE THE IMBECILES DID IN EUROPE? no, give them designated areas. Supply them with government services not citizens, make sure they are watched and secured 24/7. Stfu, and come up with plans. Sitting there and refusing to help because it's going to hurt you a slight bit is just plain dick. I played online with a kid in syria a while back, pretty shitty english. Wanna knoe where he is now? Fucking. Dead.
We don't want any of that shit here in America dude. I'm sorry about your friend but their government needs to figure their shit out before we just let anyone in
· 9 years ago
What exactly do you need to "figure out"? Literally everyone knows who the enemy's are.
We need to set up a system where each and every one of them that gets in goes through extensive checks to make sure we don't get ANY terrorists. We can't just set all that up over night
To be fair, they actually go through two of those systems.
· 9 years ago
TSA is pretty much useless. A man in a wheelchair can get in without being extensively searched , happened the other day with a failed suicide bombing attempt where only the bomber died.
>assaulting people who have a different opinion than you
Real classy.
· 9 years ago
Get your point, how would you like it if trump were a mexican man and all of a sudden started saying "We should kick out the white people" and kept getting more and more populr
That would be ridiculous because the US doesn't have an illegal white immigrant problem.
I'm also assuming you mean "We should kick out the illegal white immigrants".
· 9 years ago
Okay, dude. I got your point. But I mean a whole role reversal.
You mean a situation in which Mexico had a problem with illegal American immigrants and a Mexican billionaire runs for president and says the illegal Americans should be deported?
That makes sense, illegal immigrants should be dealt with.
And even if I disagreed I wouldn't support assaulting this hypothetical Mexican Trump.
· 9 years ago
And it was that day that they all looked to the sky with watery eyes and hearts of pride, and in a collective whisper said
"Remember the Alemao"
*foaming from mouth from all this damn stupid*
Praise Kek.
Real classy.
I'm also assuming you mean "We should kick out the illegal white immigrants".
That makes sense, illegal immigrants should be dealt with.
And even if I disagreed I wouldn't support assaulting this hypothetical Mexican Trump.
"Remember the Alemao"