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· 9 years ago
And his policies lead to the golden age of economic expansion and 50 years of stability.
· 9 years ago
Failed social experiments, unconstitutional government expansion, ill-conceived political power from "spreading the wealth" around at the right moment, prolonged unemployment, destructive meddling in the free-market, economic suicide by executive fiat...sounds a lot like the golden shower of expansion and stability we're all enjoying right now. Your statist mentality is a cancer, so move to North Korea and leave us HARD WORKING Americans alone.
· 9 years ago
Yeah all of the crashes and issues your seeing in the economy rn are due to the repeal of the programs he made. Sooo...
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· 9 years ago
Did your professor tell you that? Maybe you read it on some hairbrained website?
· 9 years ago
Then guest, give an example of some of these "terrible" programs he implemented.
· 9 years ago
I can give the opposite. He actually put in a bunch of government programs to help with jobs in the wake of the Great Depression.
· 9 years ago
Great example. I love the detail.
· 9 years ago
Glass steagle (think that's how its spelled?) And didn't he make Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? It was either he made them or he expanded them MASSIVELY
· 6 years ago
Fight fight fight
· 9 years ago
So he was a good president and you guys got rid of him?
· 9 years ago
No he kinda died
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Don't you hate it when that happens?
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· 9 years ago
Dying is a major problem and is frowned upon in most societies.
· 9 years ago
Also, I like how you say "you guys" as if we were all alive in 1945 and voted him out.
· 9 years ago
Dying is also really bad for you.
· 9 years ago
I hear dying is detrimental for the average human's health.
· 9 years ago
Did you know? 100% of people who have died in the past are now dead.
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
FALSE. Some dead people were rejuvenated. #funcrasher
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Most other presidents stepped down after a self-imposed two terms. The amount of hatred towards Obama and Bush (W.) shows being reelected doesn't mean people love you.
· 9 years ago
Exactly. Chances are, you were just the lesser of two evils.
· 9 years ago
as a confused australian: why does america hate Obama so much? he has done so much good for your country, he helped make gay marriage legal, he's working for fix your crazy gun laws and he introduced obama care. from what ive heard, americans hate obama care, FREE HEALTHCARE PEOPLE. you guys are so confusing, you say you want change to happen with things youre not happy about but when it does youre still not happy?
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· 9 years ago
Obama has not been the best president ever, but he hasn't been awful either. I don't understand all of the hate myself. However, one concern is that he has added a TON to the deficit and debt the nation owes.
· 9 years ago
Obama care is not free and for everyone I know, it's costing them more than the health care they had and if you don't get it, you will be fined a lot.
· 9 years ago
Obamacare is more expensive then what we used to have. except for poor people who can't afford. a massive problem from this is that people take advantage of this system by getting paid off the books, (meaning they're not an official employee) So they don't pay taxes and their salaries aren't known to the u.s government. This allows them to be able to have full health care which is paid for by the american taxpayer. Also his foreign policies are sometime nightmareish. He made a deal with Iran allowing them to continue their nuclear program which is supposed to be for, "power". Which for a peaceful democratic nation is fine, sadly Iran is not a peaceful democratic nation. It is run by extremists and has violated many international laws enforced by the u.n.My point is, for the confused Australian is that he hasn't been a good president that's why he doesn't have good approval from the american people.
· 9 years ago
I always dislike it when they bring up "But he brought you guys free healthcare?" If the entirety of the populace had it maybe, all Obamacare did was force people to have the same plan. It mean't people who already had a really good plan lost it and were forced to take Obamacare or get charged more when it came to taxes.
· 9 years ago
obamacare is more expensive? there your answer to the original question. cause the level of ignorance and the amount of misinformation in this country is astounding, I and loads of other people for the first time in our adult life have affordable health insurance, before obamacare it was way overpriced, so hard working family's like mine couldn't even try to afford it,,but please keep telling me how it was better before,,,ignorance plain and simple
· 9 years ago
If you didn't read, I said its a better plan for those who used to not be able to afford. for those that did the insurance rates went up, so that the insurance companies would still be profitable. I never said the way insurance worked was better before, I said that it was cheaper and more reliable for middle class families like the one I grew up in. And that's the problem, because the average american family is middle class. Overall I'm not a fan of any of these systems, privatizing healthcare is damaging because at the end of the day companies want to make money, this doesn't work when we're talking about people's health and safety because of the high costs of different drugs, procedures, etc...
· 9 years ago
Everyone I know is now paying double and some even triple of what they were paying before. Others who didn't change theirs were fined and it's been taken from their tax refunds, one which was 1,000.
· 9 years ago
Have those people used the website?
· 9 years ago
The website offers nothing to middle income and up housholds. Its this simple: the cost of medical care has not fallen, it has risen. So the number of $ spent on medical care in the country has also risen. All of the bills are still getting paid. So the cost of the people who didnt have insurance before is being paid by the people who have always had insurance. It has also created a nation of people who are now more dependent upon their government than before. More dependance = less freedom. Thats why people who see the big picture are upset. People who recognise that "everyone should have heathcare" as the right and moral truth love the idea of obamacare. In reality it removes some desire to achieve and grow as a person, and introduces a reason to cheat on your taxes to game the system.
· 9 years ago
Say crazy gun laws one more time...
· 9 years ago
Guest, I'm sorry if you though i was writing to you. I should have clerified further that i was referring to people who are capable of 'seeing the big picture'
· 9 years ago
Well firstly I doubt some of what you're saying, but even if ALL of it is true, the solution isn't to repeal Obama care. It's to implement a single payer health care system funded by a slight increase on taxes. NOW: THOSE TAXES WOULD REPLACE PREMIUMS AND BE MUCH CHEAPER. Also, they would have better health outcomes because they're not a private cooperation that's entire purpose is to make money. It would be government run and thus operate in the best interests of the people.
· 9 years ago
And also YOU can't see the big picture of the world where other developed countries have LOWER cost per capita for health care under a single payer... AND GET BETTER CARE. Also more dependence does not mean less freedom. Freedom is things like rights and your ability to act on them, like speech, petition, religion, etc. What freedom are you losing? The freedom to get ripped off and priced gouged into oblivion by private cooperation's for your health? Why should you trust an institution that's entire purpose is to make money, why would those people be the best for helping you live a healthy life?
· 9 years ago
Bernie Sanders 2016 !
· 9 years ago
honestly this is really stupid. if the people love him, if he is doing good things for the country there should not be term limits. what if someone like donald trump comes along and fucks everything up?
· 9 years ago
Because people who hold power for long periods of time can get messed up, apparently. Also, it helps introduce fresh ideas? But I'm sort of confused, because most of what these new presidents want to do is take back what the old president did. It's not very efficient, and a lack of efficiency leads to problems.
· 9 years ago
That's the problem with rival political parties, my friend...USA shoulda just listened to George Washington...
· 9 years ago
Honestly, not really looking forward to the possibility of Bernie as president. He's said himself that he will impose "toltarian gun control laws" and confiscate guns. If that happens, I'm not giving mine up. Call me a nut but I'd like to be able to protect myself if need be, thank you very much. If you take away guns, how many criminals will really just say "oh well it's the law I better give them my pistol"? None! Then, we (as citizens with a right to bear arms) will have no means of protecting ourselves or our loved ones while people with bad, bad intentions will have access to firearms whilst we will not. How is this a good idea? A gun is an inanimate object and doesn't kill on its own; if used correctly with good intention, guns are fine and in no way a huge threat to society. It's the messed up psychos who use them for terrible purposes. Guns don't kill people- people kill people.
· 9 years ago
Yeah, no. Source? Because from my understanding as a MASSIVE political junky is that he MAY do a VOLUNTARY gun buy back program. (referring to the confiscation part)
· 9 years ago
I got my source from various websites - search "Bernie sanders toltarian gun control" and many sites come up backing that claim.
· 8 years ago
His socialist policies turned a recession into the Great Depression. Just like now, people vote thier short-term interests and what's easily explainable...but not all issues are easy to explain. We also have PACs from unions and environmental groups funneling a ton of money to sccialist candidates whether the members support that or not.