My psychology teacher asked me this question on the first day of class last year, we were doing a group activity. She asked "If you had to die to save another persons life who would it be?" What would your answer be? *note* most people said friends and/or family.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I would probably want to save the bishop from my parents' church. I don't follow their beliefs, but I know that he's a good person and will do the most good he could with the time he was given. He's very kind and I would feel good knowing that someone like him was around to spread some kindness in the world.
That's very kind and selfless. Do you believe that dreams have a deeper meaning?
· 9 years ago
I hope I'm not intruding but i agree with beautifulpotato dreams are one way we express out pent up emotions and what we are thinking on a subconscious level.
I am interepting you but yhea I think that lady_deadpool and beautifulpotato are both right. We learned it in our psycology classes: Plato said it's our unconscious brain is actualy sending messages in our dreams. :)
Yep! And I love poetry (writing it at least, haven't read much) and I like to think about this in the form of poetry and philosophy. At least, when I speak to myself in my head xD although, I think I'd just bore most of the people I know or feel stupid like some stupid tumblr girl hipster for having a "deep" outlook, opinion, or analysis of something.
We just read Candide by Voltaire in English and I fucking LOVED it, but I'm pretty sure most people in my class thought it was stupid or a waste of time or didn't really grasp it for what it is.
There's this girl I talk to and her mind is just wow. Once she starts talking to me about her thoughts and views and feelings towards anything... it's amazing!
· 9 years ago
I'm 15 too bro!
Wanna have a deep philosophical talk?
There's this girl I talk to and her mind is just wow. Once she starts talking to me about her thoughts and views and feelings towards anything... it's amazing!
Wanna have a deep philosophical talk?