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· 9 years ago
Yeah, and if you behaved like the cops you'd also get arrested. This argument doesn't make sense.
· 9 years ago
Oh, protecting the community. Such a crime that those damn cops commit
· 9 years ago
Protecting? These days the person that is most likely going to kill you is a cop. Even with out committing a crime.
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· 9 years ago
That is an outrageous statement that goes against all statistics. Do you know how small the percent of cops that have killed people are? Its something like .002 % of cops that are corrupted. But, the media focuses on cops that have killed people, even if it was a justified killing.
· 9 years ago
Still 4 times more likely to die from a cop than a terrorist. You can be blind all you want. Most cops are just power hungry people. Not all bad but most power hungry.
· 9 years ago
I didn't mean cops that killed people. I meant in general the job that cops are meant to fulfill. A random person can't go and arrest someone
· 9 years ago
Actually someone can, its called a citizens arrest
· 9 years ago
(in Australia) this is only until the proper authorities show up and usually involves a court case afterwards. It's not a proper arrest, but a way of detaining a suspected criminal for a short time.
· 9 years ago
Dude you're so edgy and enlightened! You're not like the rest of us sheeple! Man we were so dumb to not listen when you told us to wear tinfoil hats! Man you're in a league of your own, above the system! Hats off to you, for not falling for the ploys of our evil reptilian overlords!!
· 9 years ago
Okay. I really do not appreciate you. 1. I live in a country where the government is openely corrupt 2. My government literally kills people who get in their way. 3. My government has openely said that their party comes before their country. The list goes on and on. I'm sorry we don't all live in the USA where there is minimal corruption amongst the government compared to the rest of the world. Get a life dirtbag.