I knew a girl who played video games and the first question asked was "How can you obtain the 11mm SMG?"
This motherfucker thought thought there was a 11mm SMG in Fallout.
I said "It only exists when you grow a brain. Seems like it's impossible."
I like gaming but i don't think I'd call myself a gamer girl. I enjoy my Xbox and playing call of Duty and Battlefront even though i'm not super good at COD. I play Minecraft and GTA and such, but it's not frequent enough to really claim the title of a gamer girl. However if I ever get a boyfriend that will ask me to play with him I'll gladly do so
Why should we call ourselves "gamer girls" in the first place? We don't all the guys "gamer boys". And anyway, it's hard to say what makes you a gamer because of all the standards they have set to be a "gamer"
We call them "gamer girls" cause girls don't often play video games, at least not as often as men do, I have a friend who is lucky enough to have a wife who plays video games with him.
The thing is ( at least in my case) is that we're perfectly fine with gamer girls and actually want to find one to date, but then there ends up being all these " gamer girls" which are those ladies that only play some games to get attention. And sure some guys shouldn't be like the pictures but they're maybe being cautious of the fakes.
· 9 years ago
Aren't "gamer girls" those ones that pose for a camera wearing bras and panties with a controller in their mouth or whatever
is it ok if i just occasionally like to play them for fuck's sake i suck at mario kart and that is the only non-computer game i own but i like it okay we should stop yelling
I really only play video games when I have time or I get a sweet new game. All the ones I have now I've beaten twice over (skyrim, assassins creed <1-3>, fallout, portal 1 and 2, etc.) so I haven't played In A while. But when I got the new tomb raider I binge played it in three or four days. So I'm not super consistent unless I'm really hooked on something. I don't think I'm necessarily a "gamer girl" doing it for attention or not I'm just not consistent
I hate it when people do this. I do like to play video games but it's not consistent so people shouldn't expect me to know every little thing about a game. Also, I suck at a lot of the more popular games, so some, like my stepbrother, say it's fake gaming. People need to realize that just because someone doesn't play video games 24/7 doesn't mean they aren't a gamer in their own right.
· 9 years ago
I don't play cod. I don't play Assassin's Creed, or Lara Croft, or Super Mario Maker, or any of that. I play Fallout: New Vegas, Saints Row 3, and Skyrim. That's it. I consider myself a gamer and that's me.
Exactly! The only game I really get into is Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I play it enough and really enjoy the game, so I consider myself a gamer. Not a hardcore one, but still. I think as long as you truly enjoy the games and don't do it for attention, then you're a gamer.
(I don't understand why were getting down voted for this, sorry if opinions offend people) But I do know what you're saying. I don't know why people feel better than someone else when they play on a higher difficulty. Maybe if those people didn't try so hard to prove that they're better than others, they might discover that there are some genuinely valid reasons to play on a lower difficulty, like
1. To enjoy the story line of the game, or
2. Because they are new to the game and learning how to play.
I don't play very consistently and I've never been very good but I play for enjoyment. My boyfriend and I spent Valentine's Day playing rocket league, minecraft, and town of Salem because it was fun and he wanted to introduce me to them
This motherfucker thought thought there was a 11mm SMG in Fallout.
I said "It only exists when you grow a brain. Seems like it's impossible."
"you are not a real gamer. You're just a causal."
....Oh. I never knew I had to play on hard mode to be a gamer
1. To enjoy the story line of the game, or
2. Because they are new to the game and learning how to play.