I got hit on by a lesbian in Berlin when I was 16... I had really long black hair and a grey army trenchcoat and boots and she was the camouflage wearing butch dyke and touched my shoulder from behind... she was _very_ disappointed and let me know quite frankly, which was weird and not exactly good for my self-esteem. 2 years later this super cute asian girl working in an Amsterdam coffeeshop treated me with free coffee, told me exactly where she had the hidden tattoos and was _very_ inviting. I waited til her shift was over and just before we left the place, she told me she was "not really a girl" and if I had no use for her small but existing penis, I should better know in advance. That was also pretty weird, but very good because she was the hottest chick I ever saw in real life and all the guys in that joint were hitting on her and she chose ME. We smoked a joint and drank a beer and went our ways. Life can be so good if you're sure of yourself and not so afraid.