This town is doing it right
9 years ago by wutup_cwellie · 2083 Likes · 10 comments · Popular
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· 9 years ago
What about rain? Or Snow?
· 9 years ago
seriously,,so your the dumbass that looks for a charging station in the rain or snow
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure they meant won't the chargers get ruined in the rain or snow
· 9 years ago
Did no onme notice the chick in the wedding dress? In the window?
· 9 years ago
That's a dress store :P
· 9 years ago
I bet you a dollar that this station is connected to the grid and a minute fraction (if any) of the power comes from solar.
· 9 years ago
I'd take that bet. Smartphone chargers are 5 volts, 1 amp (excluding the new quick chargers, and tablet chargers). That's 5 watts. 5 watts is very little power, easily provided by that solar panel there. This can probably charge several phones at once on solar alone. It is probably connected to the grid, but only for when it's night.
· 9 years ago
So you'd take the bet and conceed to the likelyhood of it being on the grid? In the photo, It must be morning or late in the day to cast the long shadows. If the panel is adjusted to catch the most radiation it would suggest a very low sun even at mid day so it must be winter. Winter days are much shorter and is the available sunlight to charge. It also appears that there are multi story buildings around that would further cut into the available radiation. Now concider who would use the post and for how long. Nobody is going to plug a phone in and walk away while it charges for an hour. So the likelyhood of anyone using that station for anything other than a novelty is very low, and the likelyhood that their phone would be charges with solar power is even less. The reason they built that charging station is pure marketing. It portrays a good image of whomevers name is on the side of it.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Sounds like a hotspot for juice jacking
· 9 years ago
they should add a hotspot on that too