They were still pussies. If it has become overly sensitive lately, it means that you have been banging it too hard. Let it rest for a while and be more considerate in the future.
Right? Back when it was socially acceptable to tell a raped woman she was asking for it and tell depressed people they needed to get over it ...Okay, I don't totally disagree with you, but it's like we are learning to be a more socially conscious society and we just don't have our footing yet.
At the same time a lot of it is ridiculous. People claiming to have PTSD from Twitter and trying to get people who say you don't get PTSD from Twitter fired, is crossing a line
You mean you miss the good old days when being overly talkative bwfore the age of eighteen was a valid excuse for your parents to enroll you in a mental asylum? Or the good old days when it was legal and frequent to duel and kill someone for an insult?
· 9 years ago
No he means the days where you could ask a black person to pass you the black marker without being called racist
how can you compare the words nigger and black marker? People seriously get offended at shit like that, like no the black marker is not a marker designated only for the use of black people it's the color of the marker so calm the f*** down. People are so quick to pull the oppression card these days even if it's something not directly related to race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. I remember a professor lost his job because some black kid claimed that he was being racist for correcting his grammar.
· 9 years ago
The post isn't referring that far back into the "good ol days" in the first place. It's stating that people today are extremely coddled that in comparison to the people who actually have things to be offended about like people being called nigger in the early 1800s in comparison to people who have little to no reason to be offended at something these days
People were using the n word freely and without consequence as recently as the 60s and 70s, what do you think was going on during the jim crow era. You are in denial of just naive if you think they stopped calling black people niggers in the late 1800s.
And funnily enough, nigger isn't much of an issue anymore, because only a small group of people use it as a derogatory term now. People aren't walking up to blacks and saying "nigger" anymore, because their view is in the MINORITY.
· 9 years ago
Naive is thinking the world cares if you get offended... I didn't say that they stopped calling people nigger in the 1800's I'm saying it had heavier implications back then and that those people had a right to feel offended compared to the coddled generation we've become where we expect the world to be a safe environment and get offended for stupid shit.
And it's in the minority because of the "political correctness" that people seem to complain so much about now. It became unacceptable to speak that way in polite society, it seems like some people wanna go back to a time when they could say any vile thing they wanted without judgment or consequence.
You can still say whatever effed up thing you want in this day and age but you will be judged for it. it seems like people just don't want to face the judgement of others who don't agree with whatever politically incorrect thing they say. No one is being arrested for being politically incorrect, people just might think you're an asshole.
· 9 years ago
Also I agree with you guest, these days no one gets butt hurt over the use of the n word any more
Blackbanana, you are talking about some real EXTREMES. Virtually no one gets offended if the door is held open for them. It's only if the dude is a creep about it.
· 9 years ago
I said people get offended if someone does not hold the door open for them and yea it's probably an extreme case of something stupid to be offended about but all I'm saying is that the people that are getting offended by this post are taking it to the other extreme and talking about things that are were actual issues when the post is talking about people like college students who can't handle the fact that college isn't a "safe" place, and get offended by every little thing that doesn't matter.
The guest that told me to kill myself way to prove my point. What is worse on this world, people erring on the side of being kind and considerate, or people going out of their way to be vile. I know what world I'd rather live in, and it's not yours guest. Even though you want to be vicious, I'm not gonna let your nastiness infect me, have a great life.
You can still say whatever effed up thing you want in this day and age but you will be judged for it. it seems like people just don't want to face the judgement of others who don't agree with whatever politically incorrect thing they say. No one is being arrested for being politically incorrect, people just might think you're an asshole.