

— Moraea Report User
It's pronounced "Bouquet" 7 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
It's amazing and so funny. My other fav is when she's always bragging about her rich sister, "oh you know my sister violet, the one with the mercedes, sauna and room for a pony."
What about a painted horse? 5 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
"It's not tainted meat, it's painted meat!"
Who remembers Britney Spears in 2007? 7 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
I also read somewhere that she was going through a custody battle with Kevin Federline and someone told her they could take some strands of hair to drug test and this would show her usage over a long period of time. So she preemptively decided to cut all her hair off. I'm glad she's doing better now, her parents stepped in and got her help.
Have you ever stopped and realized 25 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
I met my husband in college because I used to park near his building done it was free and I was too cheap to pay for parking. It was like 2 blocks from campus and I might never have met him otherwise cuz he didn't go there. I thank my lucky stars cuz we're still together 8 years later
When you get pulled over 5 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
I can't believe they let you into the police academy at 18, seems like a job where you'd need to learn some human psychology or something. I think campus police have to have degrees first tho
No 6 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
The uncle Ben of uncle Ben's rice is tho, I think that was the point
Thank you, and I'm sorry 24 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
I live across the river from detroit and go there often to shop and other stuff, concerts and such. I always get reminded whenever I smile and say hello to everyone that makes eye contact with me that "toto, I don't think we're in Canada anymore" lol. But seriously why don't you guys smile more?
Senators 5 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
Everything is going up though, everything but wages. If wages kept up with inflation the minimum would be almost $20 now. In the 70s some one like archie bunker could support an entire family on minimum wage. There's no way that'd be possible now. And guess what, the tax payers end up subsidizing these companies in passing their workers because of someone doesn't make enough they'll just get food stamps or medicare. Why should we the tax payers help the likes of wal mart pay their workers. Maybe the CEOs need to take a cut and they can pay there own workers a living wage.
Cheezits sign 7 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
Please, the zodiac killer wishes he was as creepy as Ted Cruz
The 90s Minions 9 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs, bananas in pajamas are coming down in pairs.
Girl, you better chill 3 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
I've got a huge dick! (Not me personally, he actually said something along those lines)
How? 7 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
It's like an election became a reality show! Keeping up with Trump
Wuss 24 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
The guest that told me to kill myself way to prove my point. What is worse on this world, people erring on the side of being kind and considerate, or people going out of their way to be vile. I know what world I'd rather live in, and it's not yours guest. Even though you want to be vicious, I'm not gonna let your nastiness infect me, have a great life.
Wuss 24 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
And it's in the minority because of the "political correctness" that people seem to complain so much about now. It became unacceptable to speak that way in polite society, it seems like some people wanna go back to a time when they could say any vile thing they wanted without judgment or consequence.
You can still say whatever effed up thing you want in this day and age but you will be judged for it. it seems like people just don't want to face the judgement of others who don't agree with whatever politically incorrect thing they say. No one is being arrested for being politically incorrect, people just might think you're an asshole.
Wuss 24 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
People were using the n word freely and without consequence as recently as the 60s and 70s, what do you think was going on during the jim crow era. You are in denial of just naive if you think they stopped calling black people niggers in the late 1800s.
Ignore the title 12 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
He compromised with the republicans because they wouldn't let him do single payer health care. They try so hard to block everything he does. Obamacarw is the exact same thing as romneycare, which is what romeny had in Massachusetts & is identical to Reagan's plan in the 80s. So obama basically adopted their plan yet they were still not happy have tried to repeal obamacare over 40 something times, it's crazy.
Wuss 24 comments
moraea · 8 years ago
Yeah you could also call a black person nigger and they could do nothing about it. How great the good ole days must have been for them /s
In light of new feminist activities, they knew but never warned us! 6 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
She also recently said women are only voting for bernie sanders because they're trying to hook up with all the male Bernie voters.
Dr Doof is asking the real question 9 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
The other bones are usually dragged away by scavengers.
What in the name of Mike 4 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
I think they might have meant in comparison to their body weight. Like if worms were our size they'd be 1000 times stronger
Curly hair struggles 7 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
Being only able to brush your hair when it's wet, preferably with tons of conditioner in it..........curly hair problems
Puppy business meeting 4 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
It's ruff being a working dog
Hail the almighty foreskin 16 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
I'm sure they'd rather have skin from a foreskin than no skin at all.
Your superhero name 95 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
It is I, the functioning alcoholic.
Lol as a hard partying college student, it's not far off
Beware of the dog 8 comments
moraea · 9 years ago
Beware, he'll kill you with cuteness.