I don't understand why there are jokes regarding teachings on living. All the schools in my city require financial education in order to graduate. Why this is still a running meme beats the shit out of me
Oh, good Lord. DO kids today REALLY think they have a monopoly on bitching about school? Guess what? Kids have ALWAYS bitched about school. About how it doesn't teach them the right things to get by in the real world.
But that's not the point. The point is to make you a well rounded individual. It's estimated that you'll only use about a tenth of what you learn in high school. But you never know what tenth.
Oh my goooood! Kids dont get the purpose of the frickin school. It is here not prepare you to fucking every part of your life. It is here to give yo education. You will learn how to pay taxes on your own, you will learn how to deal with the relationship on your own, you will learn how not to spend all paycheck on candy bars on your own. School purpose is not to teach you how to live. Do kids really think learning is done when they finish school? Life is continues learning and you are not fucking ready to life when you graduate school, you never ready for your life. You live and learn shit. I hate how kids expect everything have to be done for them, everything has to be prepared and delivered on the golden tray...
· 9 years ago
Yes thank you Maya for your eloquent delivery, you definitely proved your point there
Your dad tries to teach you that stuff, along with how to check tire pressure and change oil. But, whenever he says, "Hey come look at something" or "You wanna help me with something," you're too busy on Facebook or Tumblr. When he tries to use someone as a cautionary example...a friend of yours or someone on the news...you roll your eyes and say, "Oh my GAAAWWWD, dad. I don't, like need a, like, lecture every time. I can't EVEN."
But that's not the point. The point is to make you a well rounded individual. It's estimated that you'll only use about a tenth of what you learn in high school. But you never know what tenth.
*starts tatting prisoners ass*